View Full Version : Google!

03-26-2014, 06:39 PM
Ok so since I was in the ER...(a month ago) and was told I had a panic attack.....I have had so many symptoms I don't even know what to do with myself.....now I know everyone tells you not to run to the internet and look up symptoms, but I am pretty sure I have OCD when it comes to google! It is the worst place to look for anything! This week alone I have had thyroid cancer, brain tumor, skin cancer, throat cancer and leukemia! (But I don't!!) Crazy! I google a good 100 times a day! How do I stop it? And anyone else have the same problem?

03-26-2014, 06:45 PM
Ok so since I was in the ER...(a month ago) and was told I had a panic attack.....I have had so many symptoms I don't even know what to do with myself.....now I know everyone tells you not to run to the internet and look up symptoms, but I am pretty sure I have OCD when it comes to google! It is the worst place to look for anything! This week alone I have had thyroid cancer, brain tumor, skin cancer, throat cancer and leukemia! (But I don't!!) Crazy! I google a good 100 times a day! How do I stop it? And anyone else have the same problem?

You've had a lot of diseases this week.

You are a fast healer

It's hard not to Google. Ever consider Bing?

You probably do have OCD. That is just another anxiety disorder

Many people get a nice array of anxiety disorders

Just stop doing it, it's that simple

Be the strong person you are and there is no secret answer

Just stop and understand that with your anxiety, you will convince yourself you have everything

Why do it again all to worry about something then you realize you don't

Just don't google. You are in control