View Full Version : Separation Anxiety?

03-26-2014, 06:33 PM
So tonight I've been thinking about something. I'm thinking I might have developed Separation Anxiety, particularly for my girlfriend.

My problem is that I can't handle leaving to go somewhere or going to sleep without saying goodbye. And with her if she leaves or falls asleep with no goodbye I get irrationally upset and stressed. Sometimes I even have a full-blown panic attack.

Now there's two ways I think this could be; the first being that this is a control problem and my subconscious mind can't handle the prospect of me not being in control of the information getting to someone. I think this because I get really anxious if a message sits on a not-sent or sent-but-not-received status. And secondly, I think it could be separation anxiety because I may just be worried that the next message I send won't be read for a long period of time. It's at its worst at night when I know she could have fallen asleep and I might have to go to sleep without saying goodnight which, for me, is very painful.

I'm prone to anxiety. I also have bad Social Anxiety Disorder and General Anxiety Disorder. My GAD revolves mostly around Emetophobia. If I start panicking I feel nauseous which makes me panic more, and so on.. this is the same for all my other anxieties.

But my question here is, do you think I may be correct about experiencing separation anxiety, even if only for one person?

03-26-2014, 06:40 PM
So tonight I've been thinking about something. I'm thinking I might have developed Separation Anxiety, particularly for my girlfriend. My problem is that I can't handle leaving to go somewhere or going to sleep without saying goodbye. And with her if she leaves or falls asleep with no goodbye I get irrationally upset and stressed. Sometimes I even have a full-blown panic attack. Now there's two ways I think this could be; the first being that this is a control problem and my subconscious mind can't handle the prospect of me not being in control of the information getting to someone. I think this because I get really anxious if a message sits on a not-sent or sent-but-not-received status. And secondly, I think it could be separation anxiety because I may just be worried that the next message I send won't be read for a long period of time. It's at its worst at night when I know she could have fallen asleep and I might have to go to sleep without saying goodnight which, for me, is very painful. I'm prone to anxiety. I also have bad Social Anxiety Disorder and General Anxiety Disorder. My GAD revolves mostly around Emetophobia. If I start panicking I feel nauseous which makes me panic more, and so on.. this is the same for all my other anxieties. But my question here is, do you think I may be correct about experiencing separation anxiety, even if only for one person?

Of course is the answer to your question

Most kids have separation anxiety only of their mom

You just need to address your anxiety issues.

It's good that you are thinking

03-26-2014, 06:50 PM
Of course is the answer to your question

Most kids have separation anxiety only of their mom

You just need to address your anxiety issues.

It's good that you are thinking

I have so many anxiety issues but they mostly revolve around Emetophobia which I am keen on getting rid of but don't know how.