View Full Version : Depression too...

03-26-2014, 05:47 PM
Hey everyone. It's been a busy, emotionally draining week so far. First off, my insomnia has got so much worse that by last weekend I was a total exhausted mess. Monday I went to my first ever psychiatrist (I hope that's spelled right...). She diagnosed me as depressed as well as having an anxiety disorder with panic.

I mentioned awhile back about genetic testing to determine which antidepressant would be best for my genetic make up. It was super expensive & I have no clue what insurance will end up covering but because of my med sensitivity my husband said I needed to do it for peace of mind. Going back on meds has been the hardest decision of my life. Results should be in sometime next week & I'll be prescribed something accordingly. Until then she prescribed something called Trazodone. I only take 50 mg. before bed & it helps me sleep through the night.

Anyway, the thing is, my nervousness is up bad & I'm having "feelings" that make my skin crawl...it is the worst, out of control, nothing feels right, feeling I've ever had! It brings on panic but I've learned how to calm myself. But I'm left feeling like I'm slowly losing my mind & my grip on sanity.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Is this a side effect of the Trazadone (can't find it on the script pamphlet or online)? I'm afraid next week when I start my antidepressant, I'm going to drive you all mad! This feeling is new & I'm scared it's something that can't be helped with meds. I'm not thinking rational, I know.


03-26-2014, 05:53 PM
This is a really interesting story, I'll be following it. Metabolising your meds in the correct way is a massive part of the battle, it'll be cool if genetic testing is helping to hone in on that. I know a lot of these therapies are advancing as time progresses.

Tough to say about the crawly feeling though. Anxiety can bring it on, I've seen many posts where people talk about that very symptom.

Some meds cause it too, and Trazadone is one.

I had a similar feeling on Remeron, at first, which is also a potent sleep aid. That went with time.

Would you describe it as a type of Akathisia? Or more like a nervousy wriggling in your skin feeling? Where do you think it's source comes from.

Benzos can help, if you take them.

If you think it's drug related, hopefully you get to stay away from the more sleep inducing meds.

03-26-2014, 06:02 PM
This is a really interesting story, I'll be following it. Metabolising your meds in the correct way is a massive part of the battle, it'll be cool if genetic testing is helping to hone in on that. I know a lot of these therapies are advancing as time progresses. Tough to say about the crawly feeling though. Anxiety can bring it on, I've seen many posts where people talk about that very symptom. Some meds cause it too, and Trazadone is one. I had a similar feeling on Remeron, at first, which is also a potent sleep aid. That went with time. Would you describe it as a type of Akathisia? Or more like a nervousy wriggling in your skin feeling? Where do you think it's source comes from. Benzos can help, if you take them. If you think it's drug related, hopefully you get to stay away from the more sleep inducing meds.

It's a mental feeling. I know that sounds strange. I can't explain it but it leaves me so shaken. Nothing feels real or right. I feel squimish. I'm super anxious right now & think I'll take a Xanax before I hit the point of no return. Not sure what akathisia is...I'll look into it. Thanks.

03-26-2014, 06:04 PM
Hey everyone. It's been a busy, emotionally draining week so far. First off, my insomnia has got so much worse that by last weekend I was a total exhausted mess. Monday I went to my first ever psychiatrist (I hope that's spelled right...). She diagnosed me as depressed as well as having an anxiety disorder with panic. I mentioned awhile back about genetic testing to determine which antidepressant would be best for my genetic make up. It was super expensive & I have no clue what insurance will end up covering but because of my med sensitivity my husband said I needed to do it for peace of mind. Going back on meds has been the hardest decision of my life. Results should be in sometime next week & I'll be prescribed something accordingly. Until then she prescribed something called Trazodone. I only take 50 mg. before bed & it helps me sleep through the night. Anyway, the thing is, my nervousness is up bad & I'm having "feelings" that make my skin crawl...it is the worst, out of control, nothing feels right, feeling I've ever had! It brings on panic but I've learned how to calm myself. But I'm left feeling like I'm slowly losing my mind & my grip on sanity. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Is this a side effect of the Trazadone (can't find it on the script pamphlet or online)? I'm afraid next week when I start my antidepressant, I'm going to drive you all mad! This feeling is new & I'm scared it's something that can't be helped with meds. I'm not thinking rational, I know. Help.

Hey Jgirl-

Glad to hear you and your doc have a plan to help you out of this.

The creepiness you are feeling could be your body adjusting to the trazodone that you are taking. Hang in there, it should get better as your body gets used to it.

The good thing is that it is helping you sleep and that is a huge component of recovery!

Don't be scared, this is very successfully treated. Keep in mind that you will likely have some days you feel absolutely crappy when you start new meds. Don't worry and don't give up!

We have all been exactly where you are and completely understand. It does get better, I promise.

The path you are on is a good one, just remember that recovery is not a straight line. There will be curves and bumps along the way!

BUT.....you will get to the finish line exactly when you are supposed to!

Hang in there.
Pam. :)

03-26-2014, 06:12 PM
Can someone tell me if it's normal for antidepressants to cause panic? Trazadone is an antidepressant but at the dose I'm on, it's used as a sleeping aid. However, I'm feeling panic like "take me to the ER bad" right now! I just took a Xanax but I'm close to freaking out!

03-26-2014, 06:29 PM
Can someone tell me if it's normal for antidepressants to cause panic? Trazadone is an antidepressant but at the dose I'm on, it's used as a sleeping aid. However, I'm feeling panic like "take me to the ER bad" right now! I just took a Xanax but I'm close to freaking out!

In the beginning it is not uncommon for there to be an increase in anxiety levels when starting an antidepressant. This will pass, as your body and brain adjusts to the AD.

Knowing this is why you have the Xanax to smooth out these rough spots. If you really feel the need to go to the ER then do it for your peace of mind. I think you will find that once the Xanax kicks in you will start to calm down.

Hope this helps a little. I really do understand why this is freaking you out! You're not alone, I for I have been where you are many many times.

Hang in there

03-26-2014, 06:33 PM
I am on the traz too and at that low of a dose, it's most likely not the Trazodone. It is a very WEAK antidepressant, that's why you can take it along with other antidepressants and not risk seratonin syndrome. I take 25mg at night ... you can try cutting your 50 in half. My psychiatrist said it's only really prescribed for sleep anymore because it's not really effective. I hope that helps.

03-26-2014, 06:42 PM
I am on the traz too and at that low of a dose, it's most likely not the Trazodone. It is a very WEAK antidepressant, that's why you can take it along with other antidepressants and not risk seratonin syndrome. I take 25mg at night ... you can try cutting your 50 in half. My psychiatrist said it's only really prescribed for sleep anymore because it's not really effective. I hope that helps.

Oh this helps me SO much!! I've actually been breaking them in two. I'm calming down a little now. Thank you so much for telling me all this! Thanks everyone for your support!

03-26-2014, 06:46 PM
Oh this helps me SO much!! I've actually been breaking them in two. I'm calming down a little now. Thank you so much for telling me all this! Thanks everyone for your support!

no prob at all :) i am here to share what my psychiatrist charges me 140 dollars for! haha

03-26-2014, 06:48 PM
Oh this helps me SO much!! I've actually been breaking them in two. I'm calming down a little now. Thank you so much for telling me all this! Thanks everyone for your support!

Been a while since I saw you here

Glad to hear you are cooling out a bit

03-26-2014, 06:50 PM
Any time Jgirl- that's why we're here!

03-28-2014, 11:32 AM
This is day four on the Trazadone (25 mg) to help me sleep. I get about 6 hours on it.

I know it is a weak antidepressant that isn't really used for that purpose. I told you all that I was nervous feeling & had a bad panic attack the other night. What I'd like to ask is, my depression feels a lot worse today. I've felt a little restless & agitated too & I have little or no patience. THIS IS NOT NORMAL FOR ME. Could it be my body trying to adjust to the Trazadone? I didn't think I'd have to "adjust" to such a low dose so I'm confused...
Please forgive me for asking questions I may have already asked. I'm not thinking clear either! I just helped my son with his 5th grade homework...he'll probably get an F!