View Full Version : Rain :(

03-26-2014, 03:19 PM
I use to love the rain!! Until like a month ago.. It was night time & it started raining.. Well along with the rain was thunder & lightening.

Before my anxiety, thunder & lightening scared me.. But when you have panic attacks & something happens that use to scare you, you now panic when it happens!!

So anyways, it's raining right now & I'm scared :( even though no thunder & lightening is suppose to happen.. It's still freaking me out. Thank goodness I have Xanax now though.. Haven't taken one but if I see the tiniest bit of lightening or hear the quietest thunder, I'm taking one so fast!!!!!! Lol

Anyone else not like thunder/lightening? What do you do when it happens? I'm watching tv right now with it loud, just in case!! Lol

03-26-2014, 03:37 PM
Ms Brooke . I am sure you are not going to say what i am going to say but i do worry about your uses of the benzos . Try to limit it , remember that all these feelings pass in a short time and that thoughts to control it while it happens is your best bet long term . I just hate to think you might be using these drugs for something that you have control of . Oh and as for the storms , bring it on ,i love storms . But i understand what you mean , my sister would hide under the bed LOL This might be a country thing as i can see them from miles away . cheers

Yea you're right. I haven't had to use the xanax since Saturday. But I just tell myself if anything gets too much for me to handle, I have it just in case..

Lol, hiding under the bed sounds good right now!!

Thanks :)

03-26-2014, 03:46 PM
Yes Thats great . In fact for four years i carried one just knowing it was there was enough to help . Yes she was rather anxious looking back, hubby was a cop working night shift and i use to stay cause she hated being alone . Would not drive without someone in the car Funny thing is she is one tough cookie now and mad behind the wheel :)

It's like a safety blanket :)

& wow, totally sounds like me!! How did she get through it??

03-26-2014, 04:07 PM
I personally love the rain, I actually prefer it than the Warm weather. I like Sun as well though, funny enough I made a thread about it yesterday about how weather can affect people's moods etc. I'm not keen on Thunder and lightening either :( especially when I'm outside in it. Even if I'm inside I don't like it that much because I just panic whenever there's a bad storm. If I were you, I would just try to distract myself from the situation, like you said watch some TV or occupy yourself around the house!

Try not to be scared though, Hopefully it'll clear soon :)

03-26-2014, 04:16 PM
Its -15 and snowing where I live, I would not mind rain. Maybe sing a song to yourself or dream about some nice places or go on a imaginary adventure.

03-26-2014, 06:07 PM
Yes it is . I think after 4 years i tossed it as it was crushed in my wallet . I dont think i could have used it if i wanted to . Not sure , i think she just grew out of it over time . Hubby helped push her to i think She did find faith in a bid way which i think helped . My father did this , in fact my two brothers are still too scared to embrace life . Both sisters and me changed , they married , i left . Strange thing was that she was always the weaker one but when mum died she was the strongest of all four of them . cheers

Aw well that's pretty awesome!

03-26-2014, 06:08 PM
I personally love the rain, I actually prefer it than the Warm weather. I like Sun as well though, funny enough I made a thread about it yesterday about how weather can affect people's moods etc. I'm not keen on Thunder and lightening either :( especially when I'm outside in it. Even if I'm inside I don't like it that much because I just panic whenever there's a bad storm. If I were you, I would just try to distract myself from the situation, like you said watch some TV or occupy yourself around the house! Try not to be scared though, Hopefully it'll clear soon :)

Yes same here!! I love the cold but not stormy.

I finished a book I was reading & now the sun is out :)

03-26-2014, 06:09 PM
Its -15 and snowing where I live, I would not mind rain. Maybe sing a song to yourself or dream about some nice places or go on a imaginary adventure.

Geez, that's cold!!

Thanks! I got lost in a book instead :)