View Full Version : What do your extra heartbeats feel like???
04-21-2008, 08:18 AM
Hi everyone again
I know I keep on about these heartbeats all the time and had them checked last year,but what do yours feel like?? Are they,the same as mine? Do you get that feeling as if you are going to go out of rythm with your heart? Do they feel like they push up into your throat?Do you go all hot after one of them?Do yours feel like they are taking your breath away?And do you have them in runs sometimes?
Please HELP!!! :? :? :? :oops: :oops: :? :? :? :( :( :(
04-22-2008, 06:04 PM
Hey StevieH,
I get heart palpitations pretty frequently. Most of the time mine feel like one big thump that takes my breath away for a moment...and then I do get all hot afterwards. I have never really had them one after the other before. That seems like that would be a pretty horrible thing to go through (I hate having them just one at a time) but it sounds like you have been doing a really good job of dealing with them. Keep your head up and stay strong! Hope today has been better for you! :)
Punk Rock Steve
04-22-2008, 10:26 PM
Hey StevieH.....Yes, I get heart palpitations all the time does suck, but I just try to get through them the best I can. I too, feel hot after them and I DO get them in runs too! Today I had a new one for me. I was at work feeling great this morning; so good it was creeping me out. Then around one in the afternoon...WHAMO! I get this strange cold feeling electric shock of sorts in my chest. Needless to say that blew the rest of the day for me. This anxiety crap is like a box of never know what you're gonna get! I'm new on here, but I guarantee I'll be on here a lot now. Check out my first post in the Welcome section of the forum index to see what it's been like for MissCKC said; you seem to be dealing with these palpitations pretty well. Hang in there! :)
04-23-2008, 02:01 AM
Thankyou MissCKC and Punk Rock Steve for your kind replies. 8) 8)
It does help to meet people like yourselfs who unfortunately suffer the same problems,you dont feel so alone. :oops: :oops: I know what you mean about messing the day up when these things happen(you never know what to expect) and it makes it hard to make future plans.
Please keep in touch.
I am off to read your other posts ;) ;)
Take Care Both
StevieH UK
04-24-2008, 08:26 PM
Hi all,
Ive had heart palps now for 10 years, sometimes they can last all day. ive done all the tests and everything is ok. Also this is the main reason behind my axiety issues, so now ive started taking Zoloft, sofar this seems to have helped but ive only been on it now for about three weeks.
Take care
04-25-2008, 02:12 AM
Hi aussoldat
I have started to take Zoloft about a week ago,how much difference as yours made??
04-26-2008, 06:24 AM
Hi Stevie,
Well im on 100mg and its been about three weeks since i started, i would have to say if have no problems regarding side effects and they seem to be helping, i feel as if i dont worry as much as i use to.
How are you going on them so far?
Take care
04-27-2008, 06:45 AM
Hi aussoldat 8) 8)
Only been taking them for about a week and half and only on 50mgs,so not had much reaction so far.I promise I will keep you posted on how it goes.
Take Care
Speak to you soon
04-28-2008, 12:39 AM
Hi Stevie, Yes I know exactly what you feel in the heart palpitation thing. Sometimes I'm just sitting there, watching a movie, then "ka-klunk-klunk" my heart skips a beat and feels like it's puttering about almost, some palpitations hit harder than others... but ya, i get flush right after, and almost instantly my body releases adrenaline, and lots of it, so you have no choice but to get all stirred up because of it. So now, your heart rate jumps from 60 bpm to 160 bpm cuz your all worried about the palpitation that just happened and your blood pressure skyrockets and hell practically breaks loose. It sucks i know how you feel... I get them while i'm working sometimes... I notice it doesn't bug me as much at work because i'm busy doing stuff and moving around so a little palp. won't bother me... but when i get home, relaxing and very conscious of my hearts rythm ya then i'm prone to get sent into a panic attack if i were to have a palpitation. Sometimes the panic attack i get after a heart palpitations scares me so much, i get crazy outter body experiences and picture myself on the floor passed out. Even at times my panic is so vicious it will litterally unclog my entire nose if it is right stuffed up within' seconds. Strange how the body reacts when it has to go through that "fight or flight" thing. Palpitations have made me think i was going to die about 60 times in the last year and a half... no exaggeration... that's scary stuff... but what can we do, keep truckin' i guess and help eachother out. Keep your head up, i'm right there with you
04-28-2008, 06:11 AM
Hi guy_lafleur23 8) 8)
Thanks ever such alot for your kind message and support.It does help to know that you are not alone and I will definately stay in touch.
Hope you are well :) :)
Take Care
StevieH UK
05-01-2008, 03:46 AM
Well after saying that my skip beats were undercontrol things changed. For the last three days ive at least on average og one skipp beat a minute. This is killing me, i hate these darn things.
Take care.
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