View Full Version : I need help! need to know if I'm normal!

03-26-2014, 11:48 AM
Ok so, I've been dating this guy for two months now in which I met at work. It got serious pretty fast and he now lives at my house pretty much for the last month and a half. We love to be together and we get along super well. We're together literally 24/7.

Problem: I have anxiety literally everyday almost all day because of a fear that he is talking / Texting some girl behind my back and/or cheating on me somehow. I know he's not cheating bc were together all the time but the fear is more that he's talking to some girl behind my back. Now, at the beginning I did find out that he still had contact with his ex gf as her cell phone is still on his cell phone account. He says he told her to take it under her own name and assured me that it will be done. It's still not done..
Even if I see him talking to a girl at work innocently it makes me anxious, even tho I know it prolly shouldn't but I can't help it.
I do know he texts his girl friends on his phone too bc I've seen it but he says that it's all just innocent stuff.

I'm just anxious all the time about that and I'm scared that it's going to ruin our relationship. I obviously don't want it to bc I love him to death and I wouldn't see myself with anyone else but I just can't bare the idea of him talking to some other girl whether it's innocently or not.

I need help!

03-26-2014, 02:38 PM
Did you have anxiety before this relationship or had it only happened since you got with your boyfriend?

03-26-2014, 02:46 PM
I did have anxiety before this relationship but it wasn't for those reasons necessarily. It seems that since I'm with him this has become the main reason for my anxiety and I don't really get anxious about anything else bc im too focused on this, ALL THE TIME.

03-26-2014, 02:59 PM
I would say it's just your anxiety. Sufferers tend to find something to focus their anxiety on without even realising. Because this relationship is important to you right now I think that's why it's where your anxious feelings are about that and him. Don't think you have anything to worry about so try to concentrate on what's good about being with your boyfriend, I'm sure there's lots of things :)

03-26-2014, 03:36 PM
You're right, there's plenty of good things about being with him. He's super affectionate, attentive, helpful but I just seem to put all my focus on that and I'm scared it's going to ruin it for me and well 'us'.
It's really hard to focus on something else and I'm just wondering if this anxiety will ever go away when it comes to that

03-26-2014, 03:42 PM
Your anxiety will always find a reason to come at you

If if is not one thing, it's another

Get over something that makes you anxious, it will find something else to screw with you

Address your anxiety. Not each thing that causes it

03-26-2014, 03:49 PM
You're right, I should definitely address my anxiety to begin with but when I try to talk to him about it and try to explain to him a little about my anxiety he just doesn't understand, and I don't expect him to understand what anxiety is if he's never suffered from it but at least reassure me. but I feel that he has a hard time doing that bc when I start talking about him n 'the girls' he feels ressentment towards me bc he thinks I don't trust him.

It's just really tough to deal with and I definitely don't wanna ruin what I have bc of my anxiety but I can't stop it.

03-26-2014, 03:50 PM
I know what you mean as i can have a tendency to focus on worrying about negative things that happen over positive, it's part of having anxiety. I would try to look at your anxiety as a whole as has been mentioned, then it will cheat your head to enjoy your relationship as you should be.

03-26-2014, 03:52 PM
Should I talk to a professional? Or is there any other way u think that can help me?

03-26-2014, 07:31 PM
Should I talk to a professional? Or is there any other way u think that can help me?

Honestly, I think being here and talking about it with people who unders

03-26-2014, 07:32 PM
Honestly, I think being here and talking about it with people who unders

...tand it is better than a therapist

I think meds help and here works better than someone trying to help that reads about it in college

03-27-2014, 09:15 AM
Yeah, it does help to talk to ppl here. Thanks everyone for the responses