View Full Version : Considering seeing a therapist...

03-26-2014, 08:49 AM
I'm considering seeing a therapist. I've had anxiety really bad for over two years now. It's ruining my life and taking a toll on my relationship. I have a college degree which now seems pointless because I'm too scared to pursue any type of career. Anyways, my question is have any of you benefited from therapy, and what was your experience like?

03-26-2014, 10:16 AM
I'm considering seeing a therapist. I've had anxiety really bad for over two years now. It's ruining my life and taking a toll on my relationship. I have a college degree which now seems pointless because I'm too scared to pursue any type of career. Anyways, my question is have any of you benefited from therapy, and what was your experience like?
Seeing a therapist really helps! At first I was too anxious to go see one, but I'm really glad I did. They can really teach you a lot in working through your thoughts and emotions and give you tips on how to relax and deal with anxiety. My therapist uses CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). Best of luck to you! You are making a good decision! :)

03-26-2014, 12:09 PM
I'm considering seeing a therapist. I've had anxiety really bad for over two years now. It's ruining my life and taking a toll on my relationship. I have a college degree which now seems pointless because I'm too scared to pursue any type of career. Anyways, my question is have any of you benefited from therapy, and what was your experience like?

I tried 3 different therapists years ago and they didn't help me at all

But I know people have benefited from the right one

Just have to find them