View Full Version : Loosing it

03-26-2014, 08:14 AM
It's been a week since I saw the Dr. The sleep meds still don't seem to do so much. I looked them up and my dose seems to knock most people out but, though I'm sleeping a bit better, I'm still struggling. Am pretty much exhausted still.

Seeing the Dr again a week today but I just feel crazy still.

My diary is helping but I can't seem to keep the crazy inside anymore. This morning, my boyfriend got out of bed to make me a brew but because he didn't give me a kiss I spent an hour in bed crying convinced he hated me and I was worthless...

I don't feel like I can talk to anyone. My friends where ok at first but I think they are ignoring me now like I've moaned too much even though all I did was tell them what the Dr says and asked if we could do something for my birthday (Sunday), which they can't as they are all skint.

There has been a rhumour going around work that I have been having an affair with the MD and he ended it so I tried to top myself hence why I'm not in. How am I supposed to go back to that?

I still don't even know what' up with me. I'd like to go to a group or something but the Dr said she'd sort it out on Wednesday and until I just need to rest. I hate resting. Just want to scream and punch something.

Sorry, I know I'm just rambling.

03-26-2014, 02:43 PM
Hiding your anxiety is hard and tiring so it's understandable to hear that you've lost the ability to do so :)