View Full Version : Need some advice on anxiety in public places, theatres, shops ect

Cat Crawford
03-26-2014, 07:17 AM

I've got the opportunity to go and watch Wicked at the theatre and it's a show that I've wanted to see for years. My only problem is I get very very anxious and have bad panic attacks in public spaces. I'm worried being in a crowded theatre will just make me feel claustrophobic and if I do have a panic attack it wont be easy to leave unless I'm sat on an aisle which I don't know if I will be or not. Can anyone give me any tips on how I could deal with it when I'm there, I have some coping mechanisms already but I don't want it to ruin the show for me :(

03-26-2014, 01:00 PM
Hey cat C!

I've never heard of that show, but I'm not the biggest theatre buff, so that's not a surprise :)

Do you have any access to benzos? That's always one easy way to enjoy yourself. You just take your Xanax or whatever, and let it relax you and enjoy your time out.

Exposure is usually the best way to really cut through phobias of certain places, but that takes time. Depends how bad you have it, and how long you've had it, I guess. When my social phobia was bad, before any event I'd warm up. I'd go to the mall and just gently get the wheels moving again. I'd ask a stranger for the time. Then I'd ask security where a certain store was. I'd talk to the store girl, the guy giving out free samples. I'd talk to the person on the cologne counter. I'd smile at the greeters.

After a morning of doing this, I'd feel quite loose. Like my adrenaline had come and gone, and my mind was beginning to enjoy things a little. I'd then go to my job interview, first date, party or whatever, and I'd be in such a better frame of mind compared to if I'd just gone cold.

I don't know if that's something that would work for you in conjunction with your other coping mechanisms.

If not, benzos are awesome for one off occassions!

03-26-2014, 02:46 PM
I would take the aisle seat too, you could switch with someone. I do this all the time. then benzo :)) welcome to forum

03-26-2014, 03:51 PM
I'll chime back in, not to be annoying ;) but because whenever I read answers on a forum, I always look to see if anything has been said twice or more, means it should have validity. A bit like selective reading!

For long term anxiety management, can't go wrong with Dr Weekes' book!