View Full Version : Eating Disorder

03-25-2014, 06:38 PM
So yeah this isn't something I like to talk about but I will anyway. I'm an adult that eats like a 6 year old. Basically how little kids freak out when trying new food, when I was a kid, I freaked 10x worse. Now my picky eating has lasted into my 20s. I hate it. Lol I don't even know what watermelon tastes like. I'm totally open to trying new food but I don't even know where to start. It's definitely had an impact on relationships/friendships and what not because I will turn down dinners etc because I don't know whats on the menu or I don't wanna get the same thing for the third time. Places always gotta make you get like 3 different sides, and I'm just like, French fries! Like ****. It is one of the biggest things I hate about myself. I tried fried rice with a bunch of stuff mixed in it today. Not sure exactly but I think it had pineapple. Ate it without a problem. I guess maybe a list of things to try/start out on would help me? I eat every kind of meat/cheese/bread btw so you can leave that out. Also just any general suggestions/experiences?


03-27-2014, 04:49 PM
nothing guys?

03-27-2014, 05:31 PM
I used to be a pretty picky eater. For example, I had to have the specific kind of bread and there was a specific way to make a sandwich, things like that.. but then I realized that trying something new can be a good thing. Sometimes, you might discover something better. And putting mustard one time on your hamburger is not the end of the world. Because you will be eating again; Three or so times a day ;)

A list is a good idea. Maybe you should go at it like this; one half of your plate is your foods you like, the other half (or even just a quarter) is something you wouldn't have tried. Just slowly start incorporating things to expand your food palate until before you know it, you are trying squid. And you can also get a cookbook that makes weird things, and just start picking interesting recipes and making them once or twice a week. I used to always pick Fridays to make something I'd never had before. That is a great way to discover things you like and don't like! Good luck, Frog! :)

03-27-2014, 09:40 PM
I was a very picky eater growing up. Also, I have a phobia that makes me terrified of trying new foods (in case I am allergic), so I go through the whole, not eating things because I don't know what they are made of or I've never had them thing. And I'm ashamed of it, too.

But I'm sure your friends would be more understanding than you think. If I had a friend like you, I would think it was no big deal.

Instead of beating yourself up, try to see it as an adventure. You're doing something fun-trying something new! Worst thing that can happen is you hate the taste, have to spit it out, and get a drink of water. No big deal! The unpleasant sensation lasts for a second and you potentially have a funny story to tell later!

03-28-2014, 07:49 AM
I can relate, I ain't the best eater, I like lots of Spicy food, and don't like bland food very much, I have weird eating habits, I can sometimes go a day or two eating very little, and then another day I just can't stop eating! Yeah list would be great, it gives you the chance to try out new stuff, also try and eat new food before you have it for the first time in a restaurant etc. Whenever you're in a shop next, just have a browse at the foods that you haven't tried and see if there's any that you like the look of and then take it from there!

03-28-2014, 04:51 PM
Thanks for the replies. I think I wanna try oranges. or watermelon. lol im pathetic

03-28-2014, 05:14 PM
Thanks for the replies. I think I wanna try oranges. or watermelon. lol im pathetic

You ain't pathetic bro, don't ever think that of yourself. Just try to remain strong, if you need a chat, You're more than welcome to talk to me, and there are a lot of good people on here that will help you :) That's cool, Oranges are Delicious, Don't be afraid of eating them bro. It's best to try out some new foods!

03-29-2014, 01:06 PM
thanks alot i appreciate it

04-16-2014, 06:22 PM
ok so just an update

I tried oranges, grapes, strawberries, lettuce and tomatoes. Liked the first 3 tolerated the other two. I feel like if I can handle those then there is a lot of things I should be trying! Any suggestions on what next? Texture is usually what gets me, so something equal to or less textury than those 5 would be nice. Again I'm just asking for suggestions since I literally wouldn't know.


04-16-2014, 06:37 PM
Peaches might be a good option. I would stay away from pears as they can have a grainy texture to them.

My son is autistic and has severe issues with textures in his food. I've learned what works and what doesn't. It's going to depend on what textures you don't like.

If you go the route of peaches I would suggest you try some canned in water. The consistency is better than fresh if you are wondering if you like the flavour of them. Fresh peaches are fantastic but if they are under ripe they may turn you off.

Good luck!

04-17-2014, 05:04 AM
I'm also not great at eating, eating different things in the comfort of my own home is absolutely fine for me but going out to eat is a problem. If I'm going somewhere to eat that I've not been before I get very anxious incase I order something and I don't like it or I don't know what anything is. It can impact on my social life but the last time I just bit the bullet and went along with my friends anyway but told them in advance I was worried incase I didn't like anything. Just sit next to someone who eats absolutely anything so if you don't eat yours you can pass it along. (I always feel guilty if I don't eat something because I don't like it.)

It's great that you're trying new foods, all I can suggest is to keep on trying new things at home and I'm sure it'll get easier, just do it in an environment you're comfortable in. If you like strawberries and grapes you could try other types of berries as they're all quite similar in texture.