View Full Version : Good day turned to crap

03-25-2014, 06:33 PM
Be been feeling really good the last few days. Had a great day at work. I come home and about an hour after my boss calls and freaks out on me. He said I didn't tell him about something that had to be done today. But I remember we had a conversation about it today. He forgot but would never admit it. So now I'm all screwed up with anxiety. I will go to work tomorrow and probably get more shit. He can be such an a$$hole.

03-25-2014, 06:59 PM
Hang in there Mom!

Just take it a little bit at a time. Yes you boss is an ass but be better than him, and don't let him stress you out! You are not in the wrong.

Hang in there

03-25-2014, 07:37 PM
Thanks guys. I keep going through all these scenerios in my head about what's going to happen tomorrow.

Niicole Lynne
03-25-2014, 09:43 PM
Different scenario but iv had a great day as well and am feeling very off tonight
Thoughts are creeping in and I got really shaky a few minutes ago... Felt like I was losing breath

It has since subsided some
Mostly because of trying to distract myself which seems to be working

Just upset... Last night and tonight slightly anxious after 3 weeks of being really good :(

Trying to think of a reason why...
I have parent teacher interviews tomorrow (I'm a teacher) so that could be it but I don't feel nervous
I dno... Just feeling down :(

03-26-2014, 06:31 AM
They call that Fortune telling in CBT. Look up common cognitive errors. Mine are stuck up on the cupboard in the kitchen. ;) we have to be careful of those.

I don't know the first thing about CBT and what it's all about. Maybe you can share with me Frankie

03-26-2014, 06:35 AM
They call that Fortune telling in CBT. Look up common cognitive errors. Mine are stuck up on the cupboard in the kitchen. ;) we have to be careful of those.

I don't know the first thing about CBT and what it's all about. Maybe one day you can enlighten me Frankie

03-26-2014, 06:36 AM
Different scenario but iv had a great day as well and am feeling very off tonight Thoughts are creeping in and I got really shaky a few minutes ago... Felt like I was losing breath It has since subsided some Mostly because of trying to distract myself which seems to be working Just upset... Last night and tonight slightly anxious after 3 weeks of being really good :( Trying to think of a reason why... I have parent teacher interviews tomorrow (I'm a teacher) so that could be it but I don't feel nervous I dno... Just feeling down :(

Hope you are feeling better today :)

03-26-2014, 06:39 AM
Remember we cant control how others act......only how we REACT!

Im trying to remember that too this week. :)

Hope tomorrow isn't too bad mom.
Franki said it all. I would say that response cool response was required. Mom refuse to give up to anxiety because other people are jerks. Be selfish , you must be selfish. :)) Have a wonderful day , you will manage.

03-26-2014, 08:09 AM

Yeah, I've been on the receiving end of that kind of criticism. I might have legitimately forgotten, didn't think it important (in my best judgment), did tell my boss but not emphatically enough, etc. I also had a boss, who while really super amazing, was also capable of being incredibly cutting at times, so much so that I got used to it and said nothing. Often she'd feel bad enough later to apologize. I'd feel anxious too if my boss called me at home to complain. Best thing, put info in writing in an email.

Sorry you're feeling bad. I'm hoping it's just the boss's bad behavior which you just must ignore and really feel sorry for. Frankly, I find it inexcusable to call someone at home. Wish I could offer more comfort, but this kind of thing is what really triggers my anxiety and I haven't found a fool proof solution except remembering all the successes I've had.