View Full Version : Haven't felt right since released. PLEASE TELL ME IM NOT ALONE

03-25-2014, 05:03 PM
I voluntarily committed my self to a mental health facility. While in there I felt moderate to no anxiety. Since being released I have it 24hours a day. Mornings being the worst. I sleep all day and have no appetite or desire to leave the house, although I went to am anxiety group netting yesterday and have a CBT group tomorrow and psychologist meeting. I'm used to seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and having a good day here and there. After 25 years of anxiety I don't see the light this time. I'm petrified and feel so alone it's scary. Have a great support system but that only goes so far. Does anyone suffer this too. I'm on 40mg of Lexapro, 50mg of Lamictal and 3 to 4mg of Xanax a day.

03-25-2014, 05:17 PM
I voluntarily committed my self to a mental health facility. While in there I felt moderate to no anxiety. Since being released I have it 24hours a day. Mornings being the worst. I sleep all day and have no appetite or desire to leave the house, although I went to am anxiety group netting yesterday and have a CBT group tomorrow and psychologist meeting. I'm used to seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and having a good day here and there. After 25 years of anxiety I don't see the light this time. I'm petrified and feel so alone it's scary. Have a great support system but that only goes so far. Does anyone suffer this too. I'm on 40mg of Lexapro, 50mg of Lamictal and 3 to 4mg of Xanax a day.

I'm in an outpatient program, and many of the people there came from inpatient (I didn't). The other day a few people were discussing how much better they felt as an inpatient: relief and safety, basically. So nope - you're not alone! The outpatient program helps most of us pretty well - is that what you're doing with the CBT group? This program is 3-5 days a week, 4 hours a day. Hope things improve. If you need to return to inpatient, please don't feel like you've failed or anything. I was discharged from the outpatient program for only about a week, before I had to come back. Probably have about a week left there now, but a much better plan for afterwards (I hope).

Andres Tavarez
03-25-2014, 07:32 PM
My worry eventually peaked into a full on scale panic attack that lasted about 15 min, i couldnt sleep that night since i thought i was going to die in my sleep.
Eventually I came to peace with dying? Or I didnt care, my mind lately has been foggy, i have trouble focusing, i get some chest discomfort, double vision/blurriness.
Ive had the double vision constant for the last 3 months, had an eye exam today, they say i have an astigmatism. Hope you are better!

03-25-2014, 08:29 PM
I voluntarily committed my self to a mental health facility. While in there I felt moderate to no anxiety. Since being released I have it 24hours a day. Mornings being the worst. I sleep all day and have no appetite or desire to leave the house, although I went to am anxiety group netting yesterday and have a CBT group tomorrow and psychologist meeting. I'm used to seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and having a good day here and there. After 25 years of anxiety I don't see the light this time. I'm petrified and feel so alone it's scary. Have a great support system but that only goes so far. Does anyone suffer this too. I'm on 40mg of Lexapro, 50mg of Lamictal and 3 to 4mg of Xanax a day.

Of course you felt better there. You felt safe and there were doctors around

That happens often.

People have a panic attack and go to the hospital and then they feel fine while they are being checked out

That's normal to feel that way

It's just in your mind

And unfortunately, there is no "safe place"

We just try and convince ourselves that there is

03-26-2014, 12:36 AM
Thank you all. I have several groups lined up tomorrow plus a appt. with a new psychiatrist. Maybe a change from Lexapro to something else will work .

03-26-2014, 11:05 AM
You're definitely not alone in that feeling. I went voluntarily for a week. The night before I was to go home, I had a panic attack about leaving. I made myself do it though because it was scarier for me to foresee a future of not ever wanting to leave.