View Full Version : Alcohol and anxiety

03-25-2014, 05:01 PM
Hey gang,

Some friends wanted to go out today and I said no. Why? Alcohol. Will it affect my anxiety? Even if it's only a few beers?

Idk. It's really boring without the alcohol, both for me and my friends lol. Is it a good idea to at least try it?

My anxiety isn't bad right now. I'm doing very good. I'm scared it's going to make it worse :|

03-25-2014, 05:09 PM
Haha. You have no idea how swedish people are when not drunk. We're really really boring. Once we get some alcohol in us, BOM! We're social, comedian, therapist, psychologist and everything else lol.

Also, it's not fun being sober alone lol. So I should avoid the alcohol? Could a few beers really hurt? :c

03-25-2014, 05:13 PM
From a Personal Experience a bit of Alcohol isn't too bad, just try not too get really drunk because it can affect your Anxiety. I don't mind having a drink here and there, but I got drunk a few times last year, and it just made me feel really depressed, and nobody could get a word out of me. A few beers shouldn't hurt you but it just depends on how much you can drink! Have fun man! :)

03-25-2014, 05:19 PM
Alright I'll try and see. I don't get bad hangovers from beer, hopefully it won't effect me too much.

Is it a depressant? I've heard it's a stimulant :O I don't know, I guess people react different to it.

03-25-2014, 05:26 PM
Alright I'll try and see. I don't get bad hangovers from beer, hopefully it won't effect me too much. Is it a depressant? I've heard it's a stimulant :O I don't know, I guess people react different to it.

It's a depressant but what a lovely depressant it is

I'm with you. I'm not going if everyone is drinking but me

It's just too much fun

03-25-2014, 05:33 PM
I've always found a few light beers never affected my anxiety too much. Eat before you go out, drink slow. If it doesn't agree with you, you'll know for next time. It doesn't sound like something you do too often.

03-25-2014, 05:34 PM
It's a depressant but what a lovely depressant it is

I'm with you. I'm not going if everyone is drinking but me

It's just too much fun


It's like they're in their own world, while I'm in my boring world alone lol.

03-25-2014, 05:36 PM
I've always found a few light beers never affected my anxiety too much. Eat before you go out, drink slow. If it doesn't agree with you, you'll know for next time. It doesn't sound like something you do too often.

Tell me about it! I did that one time, had nothing to eat, but got pissed easily, sometimes when you're a bit tipsy too you feel hungry afterwards and that's when you spew!

03-25-2014, 05:37 PM
Ikr!! It's like they're in their own world, while I'm in my boring world alone lol.

I know right?

And there are nothing but beautiful people in your country and it loosens you to be the player you were born to be

If everyone is beautiful there, I guess the whole " how many beers would it take you to get with that person" doesn't apply?

03-25-2014, 05:45 PM
I know right?

And there are nothing but beautiful people in your country and it loosens you to be the player you were born to be

If everyone is beautiful there, I guess the whole " how many beers would it take you to get with that person" doesn't apply?

Exactly! You know what's going on! lmao!

Haha, everyone isn't beautiful lol :D WE GOT SOME UGLEY PEOPLE TOO! In some situations, it's even "how many shots would it take you to get with that person?".