View Full Version : This may seem strange!!!!

03-25-2014, 05:01 PM
I've heard news that a lot of people who suffer with Anxiety and Depression usually enjoy it when the Weather is Warm and Sunny, and they think the Cold Glommy rainy Winters makes them feel a lot worse. Strangely I don't get like this, I like the rain, I also like the sun too but not a fan of hot weather. I just find it odd how rain doesn't bother me, yet my mother who suffers with Anxiety cannot stand the Winter and rain and loves the Summer.

Sometimes when I'm out in the Summer, I sometimes get even more anxious because there are a lot more people, and places are more crowded. I feel strange because of this!!

03-25-2014, 05:03 PM
Not strange at all :P You enjoy the rain and the winter, maybe that's relaxing for you.

I like it when the weather is warm and sunny because it's... positive? Idk actually.

03-25-2014, 05:27 PM
I've heard news that a lot of people who suffer with Anxiety and Depression usually enjoy it when the Weather is Warm and Sunny, and they think the Cold Glommy rainy Winters makes them feel a lot worse. Strangely I don't get like this, I like the rain, I also like the sun too but not a fan of hot weather. I just find it odd how rain doesn't bother me, yet my mother who suffers with Anxiety cannot stand the Winter and rain and loves the Summer. Sometimes when I'm out in the Summer, I sometimes get even more anxious because there are a lot more people, and places are more crowded. I feel strange because of this!!

Lots of people have seasonal depression

That may be the people you are referring to

03-25-2014, 05:47 PM
I love the rain, and the fog. Everywheres so quiet and clean and peaceful.

All the tv and radio ever go about though is how much everybody loves hot weather.

Niicole Lynne
03-25-2014, 06:20 PM
I would have to agree
I like sun but if it's too Hott i would much rather a warm cloudy day with a nice breeze
So I guess I'm medium

03-25-2014, 06:48 PM
I prefer SNOW and the winter, don't know why just do.

I'm with you Frankie on hating the heat!...LOVE the sun providing it's -4c

Ironically warmer weather reduces blood pressure so it's a conundrum! :/

03-25-2014, 06:55 PM
Sometimes the heat can mimic anxiety symptoms like increased heart palps, sweating, dizziness etc. for that reason more people are believed to have increased anxiety in the hot weather. If your prone to mood disorders though, winter can throw up the seasonal affective disorder. Personally, i hate the heat. I like about 18. Celsius as ideal and if its too bright i struggle as im quite averse to light giving me headaches.

I'm with Frankie on this. Hate the heat and humidity. 18-20 degrees Celsius is perfect for me. Although this winter had been brutally long, and cold usually I don't mind it so much.

03-25-2014, 07:02 PM
Oh come on! Nobody loves the sun when you're laying at the beach and enjoying the relaxing sound from the waves?! :D

Nah, I agree with Frankie. If it's to warm, the heat can mimic anxiety symptoms, which is a pain in the ass. In Sweden though, it's like 1 month summer, 11 months winter. This is why we love the sun lol.

Andres Tavarez
03-25-2014, 07:11 PM
I love all seasons! Although since i live in Oregon we have about 9 months of winter and 3 months of summer. Its usually always cloudy. That does have an impact on my mood at times. You are not alone :)

Andres Tavarez
03-25-2014, 07:12 PM
Lucky :)
BTW great arrow quote

03-26-2014, 01:57 PM
I prefer SNOW and the winter, don't know why just do.

I'm with you Frankie on hating the heat!...LOVE the sun providing it's -4c

Ironically warmer weather reduces blood pressure so it's a conundrum! :/

Same warm weather makes me feel irritable, I don't like wearing summer clothes that much, I like to wear leather Jackets, Beanie hats, etc When it's boiling I have to wear t shirts which I don't like because I have thin arms

03-26-2014, 01:58 PM
Just the same here in Ireland. Or maybe our ratio is like 10/2.

What's the weather like in Ireland at the moment, in Wales it's been sunny/Cloudy recently and about 10 degrees

03-26-2014, 02:00 PM
I love the rain, and the fog. Everywheres so quiet and clean and peaceful.

All the tv and radio ever go about though is how much everybody loves hot weather.

Yeah people go on about hating the rain, It don't bother me as long as it's not like a really bad storm.

03-26-2014, 02:24 PM
I'm with Frankie on this. Hate the heat and humidity. 18-20 degrees Celsius is perfect for me. Although this winter had been brutally long, and cold usually I don't mind it so much.
I am with you guys
Just one question: Do u suffer with hot flashes?
I do from the age of 15 my hormones were always acting.....till today, so I prefer the lower temps. Winter is clean and white and quiet, i do not suffer with my allergies so much. I love spring and spring flower, my summer flowers are awesome but it is too hot here to enjoy them....At night I work and on weekend mosquitos are biting like crazy hehehe, so not Canadian summer is out, :)
The temps up to -10 are ok :)

rain is good,especially on summer time when the frogs jump :)