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03-25-2014, 04:48 PM
I've been hooked on this book I found..

It's called Agorafabulous! By Sara Benincasa

I've started reading & cannot put it down!! I'm on chapter 5 & love it so far..

I recommend this book!! :)

03-25-2014, 04:53 PM
What is the book about? What kind of books do you tend to enjoy?

I read books by Bill Bryson quite a lot and also a series by PJ Tracy. I also enjoy books about people, I am currently working my way through the Steve Jobs biography.

03-25-2014, 05:04 PM
What is the book about? What kind of books do you tend to enjoy? I read books by Bill Bryson quite a lot and also a series by PJ Tracy. I also enjoy books about people, I am currently working my way through the Steve Jobs biography.

This book is about a girl who went through agoraphobia & panic attacks.. It's really good. She's also a comedian.

I love books about people also!! I love knowing people's stories.

I loved the Steve Jobs movie so I can imagine his biography would be good! :)

03-25-2014, 05:09 PM
Yeah I like reading about People's lives too :) it makes you think what they have been through, and it can sometimes help you relate with what they are going through. Other than Charles Lindon, I'd like to find more books to read on how people have overcome Anxiety/Depression/Panic attacks/Agrophobia etc

03-25-2014, 05:13 PM
I loved the Steve Jobs movie so I can imagine his biography would be good! :)

I don't wish to derail the thread but which Steve Jobs film did you see? Did you see jOBS that came out last year or Pirates of Silicon Valley? If you want a truer and fairer look into what really happened (and if you are a geek like me :) ) I would recommended trying to watch Pirates of Silicon Valley.

03-25-2014, 05:14 PM
Yeah I like reading about People's lives too :) it makes you think what they have been through, and it can sometimes help you relate with what they are going through. Other than Charles Lindon, I'd like to find more books to read on how people have overcome Anxiety/Depression/Panic attacks/Agrophobia etc

Yes exactly :)

You should check out the one I'm reading..

It's her story of overcoming all that. It's really good :)

03-25-2014, 05:16 PM
I don't wish to derail the thread but which Steve Jobs film did you see? Did you see jOBS that came out last year or Pirates of Silicon Valley? If you want a truer and fairer look into what really happened (and if you are a geek like me :) ) I would recommended trying to watch Pirates of Silicon Valley.

Lol no problem!

I saw Jobs.

I never knew there was another!! I'm gonna watch it :)

03-25-2014, 05:21 PM
Yes exactly :)

You should check out the one I'm reading..

It's her story of overcoming all that. It's really good :)

Ah that's good! Yeah I'll see if I can get it or a book similar like it :) are there any other similar books you have like that? I might try and get some soon. Should be going into town next week where there's a big bookshop, I'll see if there are any types of books. Only thing is though my friends will be with me, and I don't want them to still know what I'm going through :(

03-25-2014, 05:29 PM
Ah that's good! Yeah I'll see if I can get it or a book similar like it :) are there any other similar books you have like that? I might try and get some soon. Should be going into town next week where there's a big bookshop, I'll see if there are any types of books. Only thing is though my friends will be with me, and I don't want them to still know what I'm going through :(

Overcoming Anxiety With CBT For Dummies. That one isn't like the other book but it's awesome.. I really recommend that for like a workbook type.

Controlling the Crazy by Vinny Guadagnino, the guy from Jersey Shore lol.. He has a book about his anxiety & panic attacks. I was reading that for a while until I came across Agorafabulous lol..

I don't mean to pry but why do you not want your friends to know? I find my friends being my 2nd biggest support. My family being 1st.

03-25-2014, 05:32 PM
Overcoming Anxiety With CBT For Dummies. That one isn't like the other book but it's awesome.. I really recommend that for like a workbook type.

Controlling the Crazy by Vinny Guadagnino, the guy from Jersey Shore lol.. He has a book about his anxiety & panic attacks. I was reading that for a while until I came across Agorafabulous lol..

I don't mean to pry but why do you not want your friends to know? I find my friends being my 2nd biggest support. My family being 1st.

Ahh thanks Cool I'll check them out. What it is, I'm frightened of people knowing because I think they'll just not be my friend again, this happened a few months ago with 2 close people I knew, they told me that they would help me through it, and just made fun of my problems, and they don't talk to me since :( I'm fine with my Family knowing but sometimes I find that Non Anxiety sufferers don't sometimes understand what people like us go through.

03-25-2014, 06:10 PM
Ahh thanks Cool I'll check them out. What it is, I'm frightened of people knowing because I think they'll just not be my friend again, this happened a few months ago with 2 close people I knew, they told me that they would help me through it, and just made fun of my problems, and they don't talk to me since :( I'm fine with my Family knowing but sometimes I find that Non Anxiety sufferers don't sometimes understand what people like us go through.

That's terrible!! I'm so sorry that happened :(

& that's true, a lot of people who don't deal with anxiety really don't know what we deal with.

Let me know what books you find :)

03-25-2014, 06:51 PM
Hi Brooke! I started the dummies book today! Or i tried. I had a xanax and dozed off when i sat down to read it. :( got a few pages in later again. Its good start anyways.

Lol! Well at least you started! :) it's good!

03-26-2014, 02:04 PM
That's terrible!! I'm so sorry that happened :(

& that's true, a lot of people who don't deal with anxiety really don't know what we deal with.

Let me know what books you find :)

It's okay :) I just feel like it's something I feel like I need to try and hide it because they don't suffer with Anxiety, so it's hard for them to really understand.

Sometimes though it's my fault that I drove some of my friends away due to my anxiety/depression, oh well what's done is done I guess!

Yeah I'll try and find some books when I'm in town next week. :)

03-26-2014, 04:12 PM
It's okay :) I just feel like it's something I feel like I need to try and hide it because they don't suffer with Anxiety, so it's hard for them to really understand.

Sometimes though it's my fault that I drove some of my friends away due to my anxiety/depression, oh well what's done is done I guess!

Yeah I'll try and find some books when I'm in town next week. :)

Another book could be Charles linden's book, he tells you how you can get rid of your Anxiety and Panic attacks and how he suffers with it, he's helped loads of people with his method! :)