View Full Version : Anxiety and Depression. Going to see psychologist.

03-25-2014, 02:23 PM
Hey everyone.

My anxiety has gotten worse. Just scared all day. I had a panic attack so bad I called 911 and was out on my porch in public on my knees complaining that I could not breathe, in tears. The ambulance came and I refused their treatment because I felt that they didn't care about me. My husband took me down and the docs gave me pain killers and sent me home.

Since then(two days), I've been battling severe panic attacks, muscle weakness, anxiety depression and crying. My husband just looks on so confused and doing whatever he can to help. I just wake up sad. Shaking, confused. My muscles hurt so bad. I'm crying now.

I'm going to see my psychologist. I don't want meds. I want help. Any advice??

03-25-2014, 02:25 PM
The thing is, counseling and CBT therapy will help, but not immediately. Anywhere you go (hospital, psych, etc) will probably want to put you on meds. Therapy takes time. Unless, however, this is an underlying medical condition. I'd just get a physical to rule that out.

03-25-2014, 02:29 PM
Had every physical done. Nothing. It goes away at night.

03-25-2014, 02:30 PM
Hey everyone. My anxiety has gotten worse. Just scared all day. I had a panic attack so bad I called 911 and was out on my porch in public on my knees complaining that I could not breathe, in tears. The ambulance came and I refused their treatment because I felt that they didn't care about me. My husband took me down and the docs gave me pain killers and sent me home. Since then(two days), I've been battling severe panic attacks, muscle weakness, anxiety depression and crying. My husband just looks on so confused and doing whatever he can to help. I just wake up sad. Shaking, confused. My muscles hurt so bad. I'm crying now. I'm going to see my psychologist. I don't want meds. I want help. Any advice??

I understand you don't want meds but is not wanting to take something to stop all of this worth the way you feel!

You sound like you feel horrible and I know it sucks

As mentioned above, use CBT once you get calmed down for a period of time

The meds will stop this. Let them help you.

03-25-2014, 02:36 PM
Meds scare me. They're hard to get on and hard to get off.

03-25-2014, 02:57 PM
Ever since I haven't been able to work out this has been happening.

03-25-2014, 03:09 PM
I didn't take meds because I thought I had it under control. I thought that if you worked at it things would get better. And they did. Until I couldn't work out.

03-25-2014, 03:12 PM
Once I couldn't work out I started having muscle tension. Then I went to docs and they gave me the run around which drove me insane.

03-25-2014, 03:22 PM
So why do I feel better at night?

03-25-2014, 03:28 PM
A worrier. Grew up on my own without family.

03-25-2014, 03:34 PM
Can it be done without meds?

03-25-2014, 03:36 PM
Meds are a mask.

03-25-2014, 03:48 PM
That seems doable. I don't have friends to talk to. Just a husband. So I keep most things in. Thanks for this. I'm gonna try this.

03-25-2014, 04:06 PM
I have an appt tomorrow w psych. I'll keep you posted

03-25-2014, 04:12 PM
Meds aren't a mask.

They're only a mask if you take them and assume you're fine again, and carry on with the same dysfunctional behavioural patterns that led to you becoming anxious in the first place.

Meds can give a person their life back. They can allow a person to develop new, non-anxious neuro pathways, by making them less anxious, and freer to do so.

What kind of pathways do you think your brain is forming, and strengthening as we speak? What do you think being unable to live life the way you want due to the severity of your condition is doing to your stress levels, your spirit, your mind, and your body?

There's no prize for overcoming anxiety med free. If you think you can, that's great, I mean, go for it, I'm not trying to convince you to take meds, I hope you can overcome everything naturally - but time passes very quickly, and you can find yourself waking up in 3 years time, in a worse state because of all of the accumulated stress, and habitual anxiety you've built up... And then it does get harder to break.

Do what you feel agrees with you best, that's always the best route; natural or otherwise. All I'm saying is don't let it go on for too long. If you feel it's too much, take the med. they often surprise people with what they can do.

I've had an horrific experience with meds too. But the anxiety has damaged my life more than that med reaction. If you're smart you can avoid a lot of the bad stuff that comes with meds. Just because anxiety won't kill you, doesn't mean it won't take your life away from you little by little.

Good luck at your appointment. :)

03-25-2014, 05:58 PM
Meds aren't a mask.

They're only a mask if you take them and assume you're fine again, and carry on with the same dysfunctional behavioural patterns that led to you becoming anxious in the first place.

Meds can give a person their life back. They can allow a person to develop new, non-anxious neuro pathways, by making them less anxious, and freer to do so.

What kind of pathways do you think your brain is forming, and strengthening as we speak? What do you think being unable to live life the way you want due to the severity of your condition is doing to your stress levels, your spirit, your mind, and your body?

There's no prize for overcoming anxiety med free. If you think you can, that's great, I mean, go for it, I'm not trying to convince you to take meds, I hope you can overcome everything naturally - but time passes very quickly, and you can find yourself waking up in 3 years time, in a worse state because of all of the accumulated stress, and habitual anxiety you've built up... And then it does get harder to break.

Do what you feel agrees with you best, that's always the best route; natural or otherwise. All I'm saying is don't let it go on for too long. If you feel it's too much, take the med. they often surprise people with what they can do.

I've had an horrific experience with meds too. But the anxiety has damaged my life more than that med reaction. If you're smart you can avoid a lot of the bad stuff that comes with meds. Just because anxiety won't kill you, doesn't mean it won't take your life away from you little by little.

Good luck at your appointment. :)

Jesse, I just logged on long enough to let my friends know how I'm doing... Going through these withdrawel's!! I can't write much, but my body's craving the narcotics... Bad!! I think mainly to band aide this chronic pain. I told myself going into this decision to get off the pain meds and go non-narcotic, that I knew I could do this. I still think I can. It's not that my family wants me to be in pain... They've seen the proof, the MRI,s I've had, everything. They know its hard as hell me having chronic pain conditions, and being a Too High Risk patient for surgery really angers and worries them. My blood counts have went down enough, I could have it probably, but do I? Can't say now. Their scared sick, me as well, they were slowly killing me. I was going to sign off and saw part of what you wrote, and had to read the rest. I wouldn't wish this on my worse enemy, well???? Lol. There's that bit of humour I try to always throw in. Not feeling too damn funny now, but thumbs up on what you wrote. It took me yrs of denying I had a Major Depression Disorder and drank myself to a chronic alcoholic, which caused major damage to myself. Totaling three cars several yrs ago as a result which caused this issue I'm going through. Mental Depression is a disease. It's been exactly eight yrs now since I've drank. I finally took medication for "My Problems", and it changed my life for yrs until the back problems and pain got extremely bad, and I started pain meds. I want off of them... forever, and feel that control over myself again. But... I've faced the fact I may always have to take a medication, of some kind... Be it non-narcotic, for arthritis, for Anxiety and panic attacks, Major Depression... Whatever, and I'm ok with that. So tons of heads up on what you said. Speaking of thumbs up... Keep yours up for me. I know you will, and for the poster as well. Godspeed to you! D