View Full Version : Quitting smoking!

03-25-2014, 01:58 PM
So the first time I had a anxiety attack was the last day I touched a cigarette......now it's gonna be 10 weeks Friday since my roller coaster ride officially started! So I'm wondering if the withdrawal symptoms and the physical symptoms of anxiety can be the same? And if quitting smoking makes it worse.......

Thanks! :)

03-25-2014, 02:05 PM
Have you ever considered vaping? My husband and I have recently gotten into it and it seems to help my anxiety. You can get it with or without nicotine. Look into it, it may be a good alternative and help you if you are withdrawing from cigarettes.

03-25-2014, 04:34 PM
I am not a doctor and I certainly do not know much about how the receptors in your brain work with the intake of nicotine and how it works, however I think it is perfectly logical for this to happen. You are removing your body of a stimulant that it relies upon for certain things, things you may not even have been aware of when you smoke. Rather like Forwells I am not ready to quit and do not wish to, however tasia I wish you all the luck in the world and hope that you remain smoke free and can remain calm in yourself, good luck!

03-25-2014, 04:41 PM
So the first time I had a anxiety attack was the last day I touched a cigarette......now it's gonna be 10 weeks Friday since my roller coaster ride officially started! So I'm wondering if the withdrawal symptoms and the physical symptoms of anxiety can be the same? And if quitting smoking makes it worse.......

Thanks! :)
I don't know if quitting smoking can cause/trigger the same feelings as anxiety, but IMO it can make it worse especially if you already suffering from pain/trembling/shortness of breath etc.

But just remember that quitting will always be worth it in the end. Breath easy and live easy.
Congrats on quitting its one of the hardest things to do.

03-25-2014, 04:44 PM
I don't know if quitting smoking can cause/trigger the same feelings as anxiety, but IMO it can make it worse especially if you already suffering from pain/trembling/shortness of breath etc. But just remember that quitting will always be worth it in the end. Breath easy and live easy. Congrats on quitting its one of the hardest things to do.

Thank you! :)

03-25-2014, 04:44 PM
I am not a doctor and I certainly do not know much about how the receptors in your brain work with the intake of nicotine and how it works, however I think it is perfectly logical for this to happen. You are removing your body of a stimulant that it relies upon for certain things, things you may not even have been aware of when you smoke. Rather like Forwells I am not ready to quit and do not wish to, however tasia I wish you all the luck in the world and hope that you remain smoke free and can remain calm in yourself, good luck!

Thank you! It's been one hell of a ride so to speak but I'm taking it one day at a time! :)