View Full Version : depression, anxiety, ocd

03-25-2014, 11:39 AM
Im 47 with three boys 25, 23, 19. Im married now for 10 years. I have been divorced from my kids dad for almost 14 years. I have been fighting depression for almost 19 years now. 11 years I was forced to give up my job because of permanent nerve and muscle damage in my hands from carpal tunnel. The last couple years i have been struggling with feelings of uselessness and my non existent life. I spend most every day by myself with my two dogs. I hike every single day no matter what the weather just to get out of the house. My husband who I love dearly just doesn't understand. He does not know how to deal with my ups and downs. Lately I have been spending a lot of time crying, thinking about how i could be rid of this so called life and just feeling like I am drowning. I tried therapy over and over. It just doesn't work for me. I need to know there are others out there that have same feelings or understands...