View Full Version : kinda better. but lost

04-20-2008, 11:18 PM
my anxiet has gotten better since i first got it. heres my problem. first im going to tell you guys my everyday routine. i go to sleep around 8 in the morning. wake up around 5 in the evening, listen to my ipod for awhile then go down the street untill around 11 at night. come home listen to my ipod untill my ears hurt haha. the repeat, stay up till 8 blah blah blah.i want to get a job but my dad wants me to stay home and play the guitar and make that my career. (dont get me wrong, i appreciate him looking out for me and him spending ALOT of money on guitars and stuff). when i tell him i dont wanna play the guitar it most of the time ends up with me leaving the house and us being mad at each other. when i come back we talk about stuff that i gotta do to come back and live here. he tells me he want me to make music my career and tells me how the guitar will get me all the money i need and ill be set for life. all that sounds good then.plus i wanna stop fighting too so i agree to continue playing the guitar. a few days pass and i feel the need to get a job and all that good stuff. that happens everytime i tell him i wanna get a job. like i said my anxiety isnt as bad, but im really depressed and i see why. i do nothing 24/7. nothing at all. and i tell my dad that and he says well you konw what you could be doing (he's talking about playing the guitar) so yea what should i do?

04-21-2008, 06:14 AM
Wow! It seems like I hear about quite a few kids who want to play guitar, but whose parents want them to go get a regular job, college degree, etc instead. But I honestly have to say that this is the first time I have heard of the reverse situation. Honestly, I think you probably have ALOT more sense than your dad here, as it is actually BRUTALLY hard to make it in the music business. And this is even if you DO have the talent and motivation to ctually make it big. Of course, I dont know how much talent you have for playing the guitar. But it sure sounds like you don't have alot of motivation. You really should do what YOU think is right, not your dad. And if this means going out and getting a job, then this is what you should do. You may indeed end up having to move out, since it does not look like your dad is willing to support you if you don't do what he wants you to. But ultimately, your life will be MUCH better if you do so.

04-21-2008, 06:45 PM
I understand what you mean about doing nothing. I do not do anything all day, most days and these are the times my anxiety is most intense. So I agree with you on that one. As for your dad, I agree with Robbed. You need to do what is right for you. Good luck.

05-05-2008, 10:43 AM

blah27e, has left out many aspects in his post. I am his father, and I won't go into details, as this is a family issue.

However, the post he made left out a lot of information, therefore leaving the viewer to assume that the post was valid and factual. ;)