View Full Version : Am anxious over being axnious...need advices

03-25-2014, 04:21 AM
Hello all...

I recently posted a thread about my anxiety and how i had a panic attack and how it has affected me...I am trying to overcome amy anxiety and feeling a lot better now..But I am still afraid of everything.. And most of all am afraid of the fact that i have anxiety.. I feel if i got anxious i will be harmed in any way.. Like my previous panic attack gave me bad head pressure and sensations...which am still afraid of .

I have two big fears right now..i need ur help and support on that...I cant talk to a therapist now..and going to psychiatrist ws not at all useful

1. I am afraid that y i have anxiety and anxiety can be bad for me.. :(

3. I feel this strange head pressure psychologically inside my head which scares me a lot..after my first panic attack. I am afraid of panicking again and I fear any such pressure or panic will make me terrible again :(

Need ur guidance and support and wishes people...

03-25-2014, 05:29 AM
You have anxiety. You are going to be alright. Anxiety can teach us something we need to know if we allow it. I mean it's already there right? Let it show you how to begin taking better care of yourself. Start with loving you, nothing outside of you can or will "fix" you. The great news is YOU can. By accepting where you are right now and asking yourself what is it I need. The answers will come as you stop the resistance to the way you feel. Stay grounded, by that I mean remind yourself you're here, you want help, you are not broken. This is a lesson you can learn in and of itself. Many people have/had these symptoms fears. This is temporal. Asking "why" is a circle with no end. Ask what do I want to learn, do, and how can I use this to learn, grow, and see if anything comes up. Do not fight your mind, its not as smart as we think, it only goes off cues we have given it over the years. Begin relaxing knowing this is something we don't need to try and stop. What we can do is begin a new programming of our thoughts. When you ask that question, "what do I prefer to feel like this will reveal something important. Now you know how you want to feel, do the things that bring that about. Even if you may not have the "feelings" to do them. Always begin with learning to accept surrender, and love who you are NOW. All along working toward what you prefer. In our weak feeling we will see we are not at all weak, but very powerful beings. Right now it is true you are experiencing fear. Thank goodness you are aware of even that, some are not, and go about being destructive to themselves. You are in the position to change by recreating the new you, you prefer now. Actually it's already there inside you, right now you are blocked from seeing it due to intense fear. Removing blocks is a task that takes many forms, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, telling yourself the truth, and accepting yourself now. You are perfectly imperfect as we all are, you are calm, confident and at peace underneath this temporal fear. In silence I have found such joy, not only happiness which pales in comparison to true peace. It will take practice, as we have learned how to do these unloving things to ourselves over the years. The fear of fear is a very real thing, stop fearing it by letting it happen go through it all the time reminding yourself it will pass DO NOT resist it unless you want to stay it in motion. Allow yourself space to learn how to do this, observe it, watch it, feel it bodily, and accept it, as you do this remind yourself this is the key to ending rebound anxiety. Stop fighting it, it will not hurt you long term. As you give up fighting it, it loses power, and that energy eventually transmutes it into confident fun energy, that you can enjoy.

Much Peace
Much peace