View Full Version : Can someone give me advice? Bad anxiety-Need guidance

03-24-2014, 10:35 PM
I really need to talk to someone who has beat anxiety. I have read and tried a lot of stuff but still, I'm constantly worried about what people think of me, if I belong at this job, if I'll ever find a job I'll like , if I'll ever be worry-free/ happy go lucky like I used to, if I'm going to die, will I ever NOT have these bad thoughts in the back of my mind and the list goes on. I can't just relax. I can at times but it's very rare and when no one is around. I have been doing the insanity work outs, eating better , and truly trying to maintain positivity. But even with that, there is still that small voice in the back of my head full of worry. And that drives me crazy. I'm a really happy person. I love my life. It's full of friends, family, a perfect wife, dogs..I have a house and a good job. Everyone constantly doesn't understand my view or how I feel because they think my life is near to perfect. And to be honest, I agree with them but I still worry and am sad ALOT. However, everyday I go out and smile and make my way through it... Just so I can finally go back to my warm bed and fall asleep. I don't feel like once I wake up- Im immediately looking forward to getting home to lay in bed or just be home bc I'm afraid what will happen. I just don't feel like that's right. It's usually days where I'm working but lately it's even when I'm engaging in leisure type activities like going out with friends..lately, what had been sparking is My anxiety is: my face gets super hot and my cheeks flush.. My heart starts to race and then it goes away once I get up and breathe. It's almost every day now. It sucks. I'm just paranoid about dumb stuff!

I'm 24 years old and used to be the exact OPPOSITE of this. I believe all of this started once I got off ADHD meds and when my brother died when I was 19.

I'm REALLY not sure what to do. Does anyone else feel like this or can relate? What are you all doing? ANY advice is welcome. I really need to talk to people who can relate. I need to get over this and find out if there is a way to dig myself out of this vicious circle. I hate that I constantly think crazy things. I hate that I can't go out for a few drinks without feeling like I'm going to die the next day bc I'm slightly dehydrated.. It's like I look for all the wrong ways my body feels. I miss the old me. Really bad. It makes me so sad that I'm like this. That I even think like this. I'm so fortunate.. I almost feel guilty. Bug it's like a disease gat won't go away. Anyways, I really truly need someone's help. I know something brought me to this page. Thank y'all for listening and please let me know what y'all do to help this go away for GOOD! I can't tell you how much I'd appreciate it.

03-24-2014, 11:09 PM
I really need to talk to someone who has beat anxiety. I have read and tried a lot of stuff but still, I'm constantly worried about what people think of me, if I belong at this job, if I'll ever find a job I'll like , if I'll ever be worry-free/ happy go lucky like I used to, if I'm going to die, will I ever NOT have these bad thoughts in the back of my mind and the list goes on. I can't just relax. I can at times but it's very rare and when no one is around. I have been doing the insanity work outs, eating better , and truly trying to maintain positivity. But even with that, there is still that small voice in the back of my head full of worry. And that drives me crazy. I'm a really happy person. I love my life. It's full of friends, family, a perfect wife, dogs..I have a house and a good job. Everyone constantly doesn't understand my view or how I feel because they think my life is near to perfect. And to be honest, I agree with them but I still worry and am sad ALOT. However, everyday I go out and smile and make my way through it... Just so I can finally go back to my warm bed and fall asleep. I don't feel like once I wake up- Im immediately looking forward to getting home to lay in bed or just be home bc I'm afraid what will happen. I just don't feel like that's right. It's usually days where I'm working but lately it's even when I'm engaging in leisure type activities like going out with friends..lately, what had been sparking is My anxiety is: my face gets super hot and my cheeks flush.. My heart starts to race and then it goes away once I get up and breathe. It's almost every day now. It sucks. I'm just paranoid about dumb stuff!

I'm 24 years old and used to be the exact OPPOSITE of this. I believe all of this started once I got off ADHD meds and when my brother died when I was 19.

I'm REALLY not sure what to do. Does anyone else feel like this or can relate? What are you all doing? ANY advice is welcome. I really need to talk to people who can relate. I need to get over this and find out if there is a way to dig myself out of this vicious circle. I hate that I constantly think crazy things. I hate that I can't go out for a few drinks without feeling like I'm going to die the next day bc I'm slightly dehydrated.. It's like I look for all the wrong ways my body feels. I miss the old me. Really bad. It makes me so sad that I'm like this. That I even think like this. I'm so fortunate.. I almost feel guilty. Bug it's like a disease gat won't go away. Anyways, I really truly need someone's help. I know something brought me to this page. Thank y'all for listening and please let me know what y'all do to help this go away for GOOD! I can't tell you how much I'd appreciate it.

You are no where close to being alone. What you just described is exactly what I have, perfect wife, family, friends and constant panic. I'm 36 and been dealing with it since third grade. It goes away every now and then and then returns with a vengeance. I even committed myself to a mental health hospital. When I was there my anxiety was almost non existent. The trials and tribulations of everyday life no matter how elementary they seem can wear us down. I am also on a month leave of absence from work. I'm on meds, and Xanax is a blessing when it gets too hard to handle. But I'll tell you what is really beneficial. Group therapy. I got to anxiety groups, worry and stress groups and cognitive behavior groups. I know, it's a lot. But it is helping through these tough times. And like you too all I want to do is sleep. Oh, and guided meditation apps on my phone. Million ways to combat anxiety we just have to find the right combos for us. So I say, try them all and weed out what works and doesn't work. Good luck we are all here for you .

03-24-2014, 11:34 PM
maybe we have the same feeling at some point, at some point because my symptoms were vast. they are so many haha.. hmm me as a person i naturally do not want parties or gatherings or whatever.. but after my first panic attacks, i am having sensations when im in those situations. just last night there was a film showing i attended. im having skipped beats maybe around 20 that day. and they were awful. it was like a silence for .5 secs then DUB on my chest then adrenaline rush through my fingers. felt like my body shut down for a brief period and also felt like i swallowed a bag of air. im used to it i just felt like, oh... ok. im glad my heart still beats. oh actually im with the girl i like last night so it was twice the pressure inside my body. cant relax feeling, tighness in my chest. feeling like i will faint in the middle of thousands of people there. it feels like im draining my energy so fast while sitting. but at the end of the day, i still got home, slept.. i just tried not to freak my self though. i read that it takes a while to return our body to the normal state. hmm will we still reach that state? just accept the present dude. Come what may...