View Full Version : Another link: 30 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself

03-24-2014, 09:30 PM

We know it's not THAT easy, but I think there are some good points here. My favorite part, that I quoted on FB (and plenty of Facebookers need a lesson in this...):

25. Stop acting like everything is fine if it isn’t. – It’s okay to fall apart for a little while. You don’t always have to pretend to be strong, and there is no need to constantly prove that everything is going well.

03-24-2014, 10:00 PM
I read that on your Facebook.

We really do waste so much energy pretending, and lying and acting. You really gain a lot when once in a while you allow yourself to be weak.

I think 14 wrote this in a post about what he learned from his anxiety disorder, if I remember rightly :)

03-25-2014, 06:09 AM
I am in agreement. Like this thread. Let it all hang out, then put it away when it's over. There has to be a time for truth. LOL


03-25-2014, 04:41 PM
I haven't read the entire list but a lot of these do make an awful lot of sense, I think I am going to copy them into a document, print it off and read some of them at random each day. Many thanks BSG for posting this :)

03-26-2014, 12:03 PM
Yup definitely read and really made me realize certain things I was doing.. Amazing thread

03-26-2014, 05:33 PM
I haven't read the entire list but a lot of these do make an awful lot of sense, I think I am going to copy them into a document, print it off and read some of them at random each day. Many thanks BSG for posting this :)

I like that idea! I'm going to do the same now (print it out). :)

03-26-2014, 06:08 PM
Great read! So much so true!
Thanks for sharing.

Pam. :)