View Full Version : Committed myself. Very helpful. But it's BACK!

03-24-2014, 08:36 PM
I committed myself to a mental health facility on the 17th. My time there was priceless. Little to no anxiety, great group sessions, monitored medication. I'm out now and guess what? The anxiety is back with a flair. Not as bad as when I went in but enough for me to have to take a month leave of absence from work. Dr. Upped my Lexapro to 40mg Lexapro, 3mg Xanax, and 50mg Lamictal per day. Boy am I tired all of the time. Overall great experience, nothing like I would have thought. Still can't see the light at the end of the tunnel but at least I'm walking towards it. Any thoughts on my meds?

03-24-2014, 10:15 PM
I committed myself to a mental health facility on the 17th. My time there was priceless. Little to no anxiety, great group sessions, monitored medication. I'm out now and guess what? The anxiety is back with a flair. Not as bad as when I went in but enough for me to have to take a month leave of absence from work. Dr. Upped my Lexapro to 40mg Lexapro, 3mg Xanax, and 50mg Lamictal per day. Boy am I tired all of the time. Overall great experience, nothing like I would have thought. Still can't see the light at the end of the tunnel but at least I'm walking towards it. Any thoughts on my meds?

More one on one cognitive behavioral therapy.....you need to get to the root cause. Do you hate your job ? Did you attacks start there ? Just poking for answers of origin. I was off work too at the beginning of my anxiety. But I had to face the fact that I had to conquer the fear as my first attack happened at work. Once you find the trigger points.....you must put yourself in those vulnerable places and grow. That's my two cents anyway. As far as the Meds go.......nothing to add there. I was on them.....they helped but didn't "cure" me. So I got off of them. Thats a personal decision between you, your family and doc.

03-24-2014, 10:21 PM
More one on one cognitive behavioral therapy.....you need to get to the root cause. Do you hate your job ? Did you attacks start there ? Just poking for answers of origin. I was off work too at the beginning of my anxiety. But I had to face the fact that I had to conquer the fear as my first attack happened at work. Once you find the trigger points.....you must put yourself in those vulnerable places and grow. That's my two cents anyway. As far as the Meds go.......nothing to add there. I was on them.....they helped but didn't "cure" me. So I got off of them. Thats a personal decision between you, your family and doc.

Thanks for the reply. Can't picture life without Xanax right now, just trying to limit it to three mg a day. I start CBT on Wednesday. I have a bunch of group therapies lined up too. Got to get past this. Just wish one day was better than the one before.

03-25-2014, 08:14 AM
I committed myself to a mental health facility on the 17th. My time there was priceless. Little to no anxiety, great group sessions, monitored medication. I'm out now and guess what? The anxiety is back with a flair. Not as bad as when I went in but enough for me to have to take a month leave of absence from work. Dr. Upped my Lexapro to 40mg Lexapro, 3mg Xanax, and 50mg Lamictal per day. Boy am I tired all of the time. Overall great experience, nothing like I would have thought. Still can't see the light at the end of the tunnel but at least I'm walking towards it. Any thoughts on my meds?

How long did you stay there? What was it like? Is it just a facility and you paid to go? I am just curious about these things. Glad you are getting better.

03-25-2014, 09:48 PM
Thanks for the reply. Can't picture life without Xanax right now, just trying to limit it to three mg a day. I start CBT on Wednesday. I have a bunch of group therapies lined up too. Got to get past this. Just wish one day was better than the one before. Oh I hear ya .....when my anxiety was at its peak.....I loved the calming of my Ativan. I would have preferred to just use that med to get over the hump.....but docs don't like to give long term benzos. I loved it because it just plain worked short term.....not 6-8 weeks down the road like an ssri. Hang tough....

03-25-2014, 10:40 PM
Oh I hear ya .....when my anxiety was at its peak.....I loved the calming of my Ativan. I would have preferred to just use that med to get over the hump.....but docs don't like to give long term benzos. I loved it because it just plain worked short term.....not 6-8 weeks down the road like an ssri. Hang tough....

How much Ativan were you taking per day ?

03-30-2014, 09:26 PM
How much Ativan were you taking per day ?

.5 mg Ativan. I still have about 20 for they just in case. ;). I haven't needed them though and it's been quite afew months. Last one I took was I think in November.
