View Full Version : Globus Hystericus

03-24-2014, 05:28 PM
Anyone have the sensation of a lump/something stuck in your throat?
It feels like there is a mucous ball or something stuck in the area and everytime i swallow it feels like my neck is going to pop(?) because of the clicking sound that comes with the feeling... It's really disturbing and bothers how I live my life very much.

I have recently been to a gastro who administered a barium swallow and x-ray,colonoscopy, and laporoscopy because of my recent stomach issues which seemed to have gone away besides the acid reflux part.
Just seen an ENT last week who felt my next looked down my throat and nose with his little mirror and headlamp and rubbed his hand around my neck/throat area and told me everything was going to be OK, I have globus.

I drink a lot of alcohol and have been doing so for years, but more so now because it seems to numb the feeling.

If anyone has any experience with this issue and can help please feel free because I think the worse of everything I feel and don't know how much longer I can handle the feeling..

03-24-2014, 06:04 PM
I was told two weeks ago that I have globus, but I refuse to believe my doctor, I am constantly feeling like I am being strangled....i can swallow fine, I do have the sensation like there is a huge mucus ball in the back of my throat and I have to keep swallowing, I have an ENT appointment next week to see what's going on, I suck on a lot of HALLS, it makes me feel like I can breath, I can not comprehend how anxiety can give you physical symptoms....I was diagnosed with anxiety 3 weeks ago and since then I have had many physical symptoms the worst being the throat......I hope the appointment tells me something and not that I'm just crazy.....you're not alone in this!

Hope you feel better! :)

03-24-2014, 07:58 PM
I was told two weeks ago that I have globus, but I refuse to believe my doctor, I am constantly feeling like I am being strangled....i can swallow fine, I do have the sensation like there is a huge mucus ball in the back of my throat and I have to keep swallowing, I have an ENT appointment next week to see what's going on, I suck on a lot of HALLS, it makes me feel like I can breath, I can not comprehend how anxiety can give you physical symptoms....I was diagnosed with anxiety 3 weeks ago and since then I have had many physical symptoms the worst being the throat......I hope the appointment tells me something and not that I'm just crazy.....you're not alone in this!

Hope you feel better! :)

Thanks for replying. It feels good to know that i'm not alone but still the feeling is so strong, I know how you feel when you say you have a hard time believing your doctor when he says it's anxiety because that's how I feel like everyday.

But to make you feel better, the majority of people on here have a lot of the physical symptoms that you probably feel. Unluckily for us, I guess that's how anxiety works... I'll grab some halls today, hopefully it helps me out, thanks for the advice.

Good luck with your ENT appt! When the Doc tells you everything is ok (i'm confident he/she will) you'll be reassured that you have some anxiety to beat and nothing else.

03-24-2014, 08:30 PM
lets count......40years of that:(

03-25-2014, 08:21 AM
Thanks for replying. It feels good to know that i'm not alone but still the feeling is so strong, I know how you feel when you say you have a hard time believing your doctor when he says it's anxiety because that's how I feel like everyday. But to make you feel better, the majority of people on here have a lot of the physical symptoms that you probably feel. Unluckily for us, I guess that's how anxiety works... I'll grab some halls today, hopefully it helps me out, thanks for the advice. Good luck with your ENT appt! When the Doc tells you everything is ok (i'm confident he/she will) you'll be reassured that you have some anxiety to beat and nothing else.

You are definitely not the only one! And I honestly I had no idea what was going on with my body! I thought for sure I was gonna get diagnosed with some form of cancer.....and when they told me I had a panic attack....I didn't believe them.....hopefully the only thing I have to fight is anxiety! And if that's the case I'm taking this thing full force and swinging lol! And I hope the halls work for you! It takes the uncomfortable feeling of something stuck or strangling your throat and you're focusing more on breathing....good luck!

03-25-2014, 04:31 PM
You are definitely not the only one! And I honestly I had no idea what was going on with my body! I thought for sure I was gonna get diagnosed with some form of cancer.....and when they told me I had a panic attack....I didn't believe them.....hopefully the only thing I have to fight is anxiety! And if that's the case I'm taking this thing full force and swinging lol! And I hope the halls work for you! It takes the uncomfortable feeling of something stuck or strangling your throat and you're focusing more on breathing....good luck!

Panic attacks/anxiety are one of the hardest things to deal with because it feels like there literally is something wrong with you but the worst part is that no one has an answer to why you feel like it besides "anxiety".
I have been to the ER literally over 10 times in the past 5 years thinking that I was having a heart attack or that something would stop functioning in my body but everything always turns out normal except for the way i feel...
It's rough but don't give up tasia! If you have done tests the checked up and the Doc says that there is no "C", or anything wrong with you then i hope you feel some sort of relief by that.
There is some kind of relief out there and it definitely will come our way.

Also i tried the halls and it works pretty good to numb the throat! Thanks for the advice ;)

03-25-2014, 04:35 PM
lets count......40years of that:(

Wow! 40 years? How do you do it?
Have you had tests and check ups? Do you do anything that makes the feeling better/go away?
Do you experience the clicking feeling/sound?
After that amount of time and nothing really wrong is present doesn't that make you a lot more relieved?
We're you diagnosed with anxiety/depression/anything else?

Sorry so much questions, but someone with that much experience in feeling like this must be helpful to anyone that is beginning to suffer from it.

03-25-2014, 04:43 PM
Wow! 40 years? How do you do it? Have you had tests and check ups? Do you do anything that makes the feeling better/go away? Do you experience the clicking feeling/sound? After that amount of time and nothing really wrong is present doesn't that make you a lot more relieved? We're you diagnosed with anxiety/depression/anything else? Sorry so much questions, but someone with that much experience in feeling like this must be helpful to anyone that is beginning to suffer from it.

I second that! I would be very interesting in knowing all the answers to that question! I have no had any pain, I mostly feel like my heart is beating in my neck and I'm being strangled! It comes and it goes! So please any advice would help!

03-25-2014, 08:39 PM
I have this. Where exactly do you feel the lump? I feel it at the very bottom of my throat/neck area and I think the more you try to swallow the worse it gets. I also use a lot of HALLS they do seem to help for some reason!!

Andres Tavarez
03-25-2014, 08:47 PM
I sometimes have trouble swallowing, not sure what it is.

03-25-2014, 09:41 PM
I've had this symptom for about 2 weeks and it was the worst! I lost a lot of weight. I read exhaustively about cognitive behavior therapy for panic and it really worked for me. I accepted that the symptom was anxiety related, not medical and I welcomed the symptom, told myself to "enjoy" it, and it went away. I realize I'm over-simplifying a little but the idea is to not resist the symptoms. Good luck.