View Full Version : How to deal with my triggers?

03-24-2014, 03:45 PM
Hey gang! :)

After about 4 months living with this, I can finally control it. Not completly, but I know how to deal with it. It's no longer stopping me from living my life like I want to. I feel like myself again, which feels just too damn good!

Now, to the question. I can control it, yes. But I still have some triggers. For example, I can't drink or eat anything that affects me. It could be everything from coffe to chocolate to alchol. Everytime I drink or eat anything like this, I go full dr/dp mode.

Another trigger is when I think of the moment I had my first panic attack when I was smoking MJ. I didn't have a normal panic attack, it was a mini-psychosis. Weed + panic attack = Psychosis. Cannabis brings these attributes up. However, when I think of this, I "re-live it" all over again. I try to get distracted as much as possible to forget it. Hopefully time will heal this?

So the question: how do I deal with both these triggers?

If I can handle this, then I think I can say I've overcome my anxiety.

Help is appreciated as always.


03-24-2014, 04:02 PM
Hey gang! :) After about 4 months living with this, I can finally control it. Not completly, but I know how to deal with it. It's no longer stopping me from living my life like I want to. I feel like myself again, which feels just too damn good! Now, to the question. I can control it, yes. But I still have some triggers. For example, I can't drink or eat anything that affects me. It could be everything from coffe to chocolate to alchol. Everytime I drink or eat anything like this, I go full dr/dp mode. Another trigger is when I think of the moment I had my first panic attack when I was smoking MJ. I didn't have a normal panic attack, it was a mini-psychosis. Weed + panic attack = Psychosis. Cannabis brings these attributes up. However, when I think of this, I "re-live it" all over again. I try to get distracted as much as possible to forget it. Hopefully time will heal this? So the question: how do I deal with both these triggers? If I can handle this, then I think I can say I've overcome my anxiety. Help is appreciated as always. Elias

Great to hear you are doing so well!

For triggers? Food ones, simple, don't eat them. Cafeine is a huge trigger for me. I simply don't have coffee or teas with it,

Re- living experiences, not so simple but definitely doable. Try every time the thoughts invade your mind, acknowledge them. They contributed to the person you are today. The have made you stronger. You aren't going down that road again and that is that. Move on, get on with your day.

You are doing so well , keep it up.

03-24-2014, 04:06 PM
Hey gang! :) After about 4 months living with this, I can finally control it. Not completly, but I know how to deal with it. It's no longer stopping me from living my life like I want to. I feel like myself again, which feels just too damn good! Now, to the question. I can control it, yes. But I still have some triggers. For example, I can't drink or eat anything that affects me. It could be everything from coffe to chocolate to alchol. Everytime I drink or eat anything like this, I go full dr/dp mode. Another trigger is when I think of the moment I had my first panic attack when I was smoking MJ. I didn't have a normal panic attack, it was a mini-psychosis. Weed + panic attack = Psychosis. Cannabis brings these attributes up. However, when I think of this, I "re-live it" all over again. I try to get distracted as much as possible to forget it. Hopefully time will heal this? So the question: how do I deal with both these triggers? If I can handle this, then I think I can say I've overcome my anxiety. Help is appreciated as always. Elias

I know how bad people want to "overcome" their anxiety. I get that

For most even though you do not fear what originally triggered panic or are just able to do it without panicking, doesn't mean it's all over

You, me and everyone lucky enough to be here have gotten here because we bought in to what anxiety was selling and it caused us to become anxious and start to fear things that most people wouldn't.

Irrational fears

So once you are able to do the things you did that used to cause you to panic, that is awesome

But you still have to be aware that you are able to believe the irrational fears so you kinda need to stand guard of your thoughts so you don't let your irrational mind take over when a thought passes through

At least for me, that is where I am and if this is the best it gets, I'm cool with that

I still have thoughts that trigger a bit of a response but I quickly dismiss it as anxiety and not real before my body has a chance to react

It's second nature now. I don't have to think about what to do

I have trained my brain when I have a thought that gets the adrenaline staring to pump, brain kicks in and kicks it's ass

That is where you will be shortly since you have made so many giant steps forward

03-24-2014, 04:10 PM
I know how bad people want to "overcome" their anxiety. I get that For most even though you do not fear what originally triggered panic or are just able to do it without panicking, doesn't mean it's all over You, me and everyone lucky enough to be here have gotten here because we bought in to what anxiety was selling and it caused us to become anxious and start to fear things that most people wouldn't. Irrational fears So once you are able to do the things you did that used to cause you to panic, that is awesome But you still have to be aware that you are able to believe the irrational fears so you kinda need to stand guard of your thoughts so you don't let your irrational mind take over when a thought passes through At least for me, that is where I am and if this is the best it gets, I'm cool with that I still have thoughts that trigger a bit of a response but I quickly dismiss it as anxiety and not real before my body has a chance to react It's second nature now. I don't have to think about what to do I have trained my brain when I have a thought that gets the adrenaline staring to pump, brain kicks in and kicks it's ass That is where you will be shortly since you have made so many giant steps forward

And I forgot to mention. 99% of the things that are your trigger are only your trigger because you associate it with your anxiety/panic

Read how many here that stopped drinking caffeine because it caused anxiety and panic who now guzzle it because they realized the coffee wasn't causing it

Just your mind like every other reason and trigger

03-24-2014, 05:56 PM
Thank you both! :)

Nixon; I know there's been alot of arguments and debates about what "overcome anxiety" means. But this is how I see it. When the anxiety doesn't interfere with anything I do daily, if it doesn't stop me from smiling and doing what I want to do, I think that means I've overcome it. And by "overcome it", I mean, I have control over it again.

I get what you mean. This is why I said I finally had control over it. Because I don't react to my irrational fears anymore. But these triggers, I just cant handle it. Especially alcohol. Because it really does affect me in a way.

Yes, very true. I know everything I eat and drink won't affect me in anyway at all. It's my mind overthinking it.

03-24-2014, 06:09 PM
Thank you both! :) Nixon; I know there's been alot of arguments and debates about what "overcome anxiety" means. But this is how I see it. When the anxiety doesn't interfere with anything I do daily, if it doesn't stop me from smiling and doing what I want to do, I think that means I've overcome it. And by "overcome it", I mean, I have control over it again. I get what you mean. This is why I said I finally had control over it. Because I don't react to my irrational fears anymore. But these triggers, I just cant handle it. Especially alcohol. Because it really does affect me in a way. Yes, very true. I know everything I eat and drink won't affect me in anyway at all. It's my mind overthinking it.

You know, I think that is the best definition I've seen of "overcoming anxiety"

I may have to use that

Please understand, I need to take credit for it since I have more posts than you. LOL

03-24-2014, 06:58 PM
You know, I think that is the best definition I've seen of "overcoming anxiety"

I may have to use that

Please understand, I need to take credit for it since I have more posts than you. LOL

Hahah! Go ahead and use it, as long as it helps someone else :D

Effects you how. Are we taking mental as in fear or physical .

This one i can answer now . YOu smoke this shit again then your a fu&*en idiot . Its that simply .

As for being around it , well dont and simply dont give a shit . It will fade in time .

For example, I was drinking coffee the other day and just because there's caffeine in it, I think it's going to make me "drunk/high" or effect me in some way. Basically, I think it's going to give me that derealization/depersonalization feeling. So, I drink it and just because I overthink it, I actually get that dr/dp feeling. It's not from the coffe tho, I know it's my friggin brain.

Yea, I will never smoke anything again. I try to ignore these flashbacks and just go on with my life. I guess time heals. Thanks!

03-24-2014, 08:00 PM
Alias do you need some spanking? You behave like 5 years old. :)

03-25-2014, 06:27 AM
so stop over thinking it . Just do it again and again and it will become normal .

I was this way with meds , never took any from fear and now take about 15 a day .

Yea, this is why I'm not taking any meds. But I guess the first pill is the hardest and then you'll get used to it and it'll be normal.