View Full Version : Would like to hear peoples physical symptoms

03-24-2014, 01:38 PM
Anxiety comes through in so many different was physical emotional mine comes through as headaches and neck tightness head pulsating ears full and ringing..I'm curious how it comes out physically for other people besides the classic racing heartbeat fear of dying etc.. I've read a lot about how people convert stress or anxiety into physical symptoms i have noticed once I could control the emotional part of it anxiety being what it is and won't go away easily it came out physically.. I think if people posted on this it would answer a lot of questions for people ring able to relate and saying damn it is anxiety.

03-24-2014, 01:48 PM
Mine shows up in my stomach and my head. I get horrible stomach pains and nausea plus dizziness,like motion sickness. It would be nice to know if anybody else has their anxiety there

03-24-2014, 01:50 PM
Pain down arms and across shoulders
Numbness and tingling in fingers.
Blurred vision and sometimes depth of vision is weird
Hands get sweaty
Like a rushing experience to head usually followed by profuse sweating
Dry mouth and raging thirst.
Frequent Need to urinate.
Sense of dread and pressure....usually leads to dizziness
Pain behind eyes....like a dull ache
sometimes feel nausea
Worry and fear of my surroundings, people and loss of confidence to do the most easy and mundane tasks

I'll post more when I think of them

03-24-2014, 01:54 PM
Yea I def et the dizziness vertigo as well as a head rush which I learned was just an adrenaline dump but it felt as if someone poured a cup of water in my head from one side to another.. I've went all the way up the chain from er to primary to nuerologist and not a thing wrong with me lol so it's good to hear other people's stories sometimes some of the symptoms are like no way that's anxiety I'm not even anxious..but in fact it is just anxiety.

03-24-2014, 02:12 PM
Tingling arms
Blurred vision sometimes
Very tense back and shoulders
After I have an attack I get very shaky until I calm down
Sometimes I get pains on my right or left side right under rib cage

Its crazy how many different physical symptoms everyone can have from anxiety!

03-24-2014, 02:20 PM
Do any of your his symptoms feel almost constant or daily even wen u for feel anxious

03-24-2014, 02:22 PM
I never had these problems only panic attacks occasionally but could always calm tem down and that was the end of it.. But a few mints ago had some really bad attacks that I couldn't calm down and ten all year symptoms came on and never quite left which is why I got checked out medically and medically I'm fine so I was curious how other peoples symptoms came about and why they hang on so long.

03-24-2014, 02:40 PM
None of my symptoms are really constant besides the tense back and shoulders which can easily be fixed by a massage lol!

Alot of my symptoms come when im not doing anything and my mind has the chance to race and tell myself theres so many things wrong with me. My anxiety loves to play games with my mind and it sucks. I always just tell myself before my anxiety, I had headaches or a pain in my stomach here and there and I wouldnt think anything bad of it. I just notice it now that much more and dwell on it so much more because of the hypochondriac in me

When I first started getting anxiety attacks the emotional side of me was so drained and exhausted. Ive learned to overcome the emotional side of it for the most part but now its like the anxiety comes out in physical symptoms. I guess anxiety just needs a way to come out somehow and its so different in everyone! Whether it be emotional or physical its still a pain in the butt!

Hope this helps bit:)

03-24-2014, 02:42 PM
I mostly feel sick, the feeling of throwing up, etc. I get light headed, almost tunnel vision. I also get a tingly/burning sensation throughout my body. And when it gets really bad, I always feel fatigued and sore afterward.

03-24-2014, 02:51 PM
Yea it's interesting to hear other people's reactions to anxiety I see a lot of threads of people going through a list of physical symptoms wondering if it's anxiety so I'm sure these responses can relate to a lot of people

03-24-2014, 05:15 PM
Dizziness and all of that spaced out crap was always my worst physical symptom. Stayed with me weeks most of the time when an episode flared up.

03-24-2014, 05:18 PM
Yea but your from London u guys always overcomplicate things haha jk Jess

03-24-2014, 05:50 PM
I have extreme lower back tightness, throat tightness sometimes I get shooting pains on my sides right under my rib cage, lately I have to keep taking a deep breath, I was recently diagnosed with anxiety and it's very hard to comprehend that all these symptoms are caused by anxiety.....

03-24-2014, 06:01 PM
It is very hard to swallow the physical part I've had panic attacks for awhile usually rare never dealt with the lasting physical part untill recently I had to go to a lot of doctors to finally convince myself it's anxiety. It's especially hard when u get misdiagnosis and that's because anxiety symptoms closely relates to a lot of serious problems. My primary said complicated migraines them two neuros said it was just anxiety lol yes two of course I had to have a Second opinion..But if you think about it logically stress does weird things to the body especially anxiety related stress because it's so intense even if it is unfounded.

03-24-2014, 06:12 PM
Yes i had my first panic attack back in January......the throat tightness was the first symptom and has not gone away since then, I have had 3 panic attacks since then one while I was at work and sent me into a bed in the ER, thank god I work in an ER and trust the nurses, my blood pressure was through the roof and my heart rate was way to fast I almost fainted, finally they gave me some meds and everything relaxed me.....I am not on any meds and trying to take it one day at a time, but like I said I have developed more symptoms since then and it makes me feel like I have some serious illness, I also am a hypochondriac, I convince myself almost everyday I have some form of cancer....I am very exhausted with the mental and physical symptoms everyday!

03-24-2014, 06:20 PM
Yea I def understand that..it's exhausting. Health anxiety is kind of weird because a lot of times just thinking about something will give those certain symtpoms..I almost wonder if because I expect to have headaches I have them there's no other explanation even if I do have migraines these aren't migraines just really annoying almost if you could imagine what high blood pressure would feel like in your head only my blood pressure is fine lol I too take it one day at a time. Def gets exhausting though.

03-24-2014, 06:29 PM
Very true! I hope you feel better!! :)