View Full Version : scared

03-24-2014, 08:42 AM
Im new to this site figured it could help me ive recently started having anxiety and panic attacks! I have had 1 here and there in the last few years but has gotten really bad! i quit smoking 3 weeks ago i know some attacks are from that but i wake up almost everymorning have anxiety i honestly dont understand why and whats causing me to have this! Ive tried breathing ive recently tried listening to that brain sync stuff someone please help i really dont want to go on meds

03-24-2014, 09:26 AM
Hi Kel.
Have you thought of seeing someone regarding the anxiety? Your doctor and/or counsellor? Sometimes taking that first step is the hardest but it certainly help to start my process to getting a handle on things.
You won't necessarily have to go on medication but it's definatley worth talking to someone about it so as you can explain exactly how they feel and maybe find out what may be triggering them.
Have a good look around these forums as there's so much help and information from people who have the same feelings. They've really hepled me so far.
Take care and good luck