View Full Version : I think I can relax a little bit now :)

03-24-2014, 05:30 AM
So yesterday I had a really, really bad episode. So bad I had to go to the ER... I got hooked up to a EKG for around an hour and got a heart x-ray and they came back fine.. Except for they found slight ammonia which I'm going on antibiotics for a week starting today.. Knowing that its not my heart makes me feel so much better (feels like a mountain just got lifted of my shoulders..) I know I still have to get thru this with meds but the tests took a lot of stress out of me :) so hopefully I can make a full recovery from this ammonia and this ANXIETY... But for the first time in 2 months I feel some peace of mind :) TY for everyone who responded to my ranting.. Helped get me thru at least a couple days

03-24-2014, 06:34 AM
Good news. It's such a relief knowing there's no major physical problems. I'm sure those antibiotis will sort the ammonia.
Good luck and take care