View Full Version : Ever present anxiety and depression. Need Support Am I alone

04-20-2008, 02:11 PM
I've always had some sort of anxiety, but never enough to make me want to go get help for it.
My anxiety gives me:
muscle tension
fast heart rate
tension/tightness in neck, shoulders back
makes it hard to sit in the classroom

My neurologist said because of my anxiety and inability to relax for the last 6 months my physiology in the nerves in my head are messed up. He says I don't have any disease and he'd trade spots with me, but that the nerve pains I have is a result of tightness of the head due to anxiety and depression. He did say I could get better.

I saw the psychatrist for the first time a week ago. I had been on prozac 20 mg by my reg doctor for almost two months and trazodone 50 mg for sleep and depression for 3 months. My psychatrist wants to change me to lexapro and wanted me to stop trazodone. So I've been doing prozac every other day and stopped trazodone for four days and got off and on sleep to the point of fatigue this weekend. My neuro said to go back on trazodone or try some ambien cr for a bit. I see my psychatrist in a week.

My psychologist I've only been seeing for a month but he hasn't really taught me relaxation techniques...Should I get a new one that understands this maybe , CBT??

I'm also on Atenolol 25 mg to keep the heart rate under control. I take .25 klonopin at least twice a day and a muscle relaxer at least once.

All I do is sit or lay in bed and its making my body especially my legs weak and ache...Although I think trazodone makes my body ache.

I am doing physical therapy for my tension in my shoulders for two weeks now...Its sorta helping.

Most importantly my family is fustrated upset with me. They can't take me being like this anymore. My mom right now is severly depressed and has MS. My dad is under high stress. And I don't know if I can go to school this week, because I feel exhausted.

My neuro says I need to move, do chores , exercise, get back to my life...But it is so hard to...

Anyone else on lexapro?

Thanks for the support!

04-22-2008, 03:22 PM
I know where you are coming from,It's hard sometimes to function as a human,and its hard on your family.I am 50 years old and have a wife and two children aged 5 and 15,and sometimes its unbearable to keep going,but you must!! You sound young and that must be hard for you,but please keep going.I know this sounds like a load of CR*P,but you will look back on it ,oneday. At the moment I am going through a real bad patch again,but while I am feeling like this I write things down on bits of paper,and when I feel real bad again,I look at them and think "well Ive been there before and I'm hear now"I know you wont beleive it,because sometimes I dont Myself!! but give it a go.
Hope this helps a little.
StevieH UK

05-04-2008, 03:39 AM
hun your neurologist said it for you, its just your nerves.
I have the leg aches myself. It freaks me out sometimes but ive had tests done its my anxiety so Im not going to worry about it. You need to get out and find something you enjoy that will get your mind off of it. Sitting there dwelling on it is making everything worse.

The amount of medication you mentioned is also a problem.:shock: You dont need that much. You should only be on one if any. Im not a doctor but what the hell? those medications are screwing up more then they are helping most likely... Find a better psychiatrist ....

physical therapy for your shoulders and neck pain? go get a massage, go relax.... you need to stop stressing (i know easier said then done)

You need to do some CBT:tongue: it will help some much

you need to remember the more you let this control you, the more you dwell, all you are going to do is get worse.....

This stuff is quicksand if you fall in your screwed. :cry:

Punk Rock Steve
05-13-2008, 10:14 AM
Hey Butterfly Girl...hang in there...anxiety is a tough journey to be on. Now this just my own opinion, based on my own experiences...but it sounds to me like the doctors are over medicating you. Please be careful. I've been prescribed and taken a number of drugs over the years and a lot of the time I found that the docs just want to give you their latest, hottest, drug that they have to push to get some kind of perk...I'm not sure what. It seems that they are always ready to give you a new drug, even if you don't want it. I have read that Lexapro can have some bad effects on younger people. I've taken it, but I'm in my 50's and old :) My son, who just turned 20, was on it and has decided to stop taking it. Sometimes the drugs themselves will have side effects that mimic or cause anxiety and panic...Right now I just take a small dose of Xanax; which I'm hoping to come off of....Keep coming on this forum, keep sharing, and keep an open mind about ways to relieve your anxiety.