View Full Version : Performance Anxiety and Public Speaking Anxiety

03-24-2014, 05:11 AM
Hello everyone, so I am a 21 year old male and feel like I have been neglecting to address two pretty big issues in my life lately. First off, I have always had a fear of public speaking and just generally talking in front of others. This usually includes feeling extremely nervous right before I speak and I usually get a shaky voice which makes me feel embarrassed and does not allow me to perform to my highest potential. Additionally, I have off and on struggled to get it up with girls that I have really liked in the past and I get really nervous with an increased heart rate right before I ever do anything with a girl, as I seem to over think the whole idea of sex and not being able to satisfy the girl. I have never told my doctor about any of these problems and plan to next time I see my general doc, but I am looking for any advice/recommendations/knowledge about what I could begin to do and if any of you have heard of anyone who has struggled with these two types of anxiety simultaneously. My life would drastically improve if I could conquer these phobias and I am also wondering if anyone knows of a medication that could help to get me through these two issues. Thanks!

03-29-2014, 03:46 PM
Hey man,

The 2 are obviously related. I also have pretty bad performance anxiety. There are a lot of things to learn here that can help... Check out the responses to this thread: uncommonforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=74886

Specifically, I think using your intelligence to overcome your emotions can be helpful, as well with visualizing the worst-case scenarios, the probably outcome, and the best-case scenarios. The biggest key is learning to not give a fuck – to live outside of your head, stop thinking about what your actions or words should be and just be yourself.

03-29-2014, 05:18 PM
Hello everyone, so I am a 21 year old male and feel like I have been neglecting to address two pretty big issues in my life lately. First off, I have always had a fear of public speaking and just generally talking in front of others. This usually includes feeling extremely nervous right before I speak and I usually get a shaky voice which makes me feel embarrassed and does not allow me to perform to my highest potential. Additionally, I have off and on struggled to get it up with girls that I have really liked in the past and I get really nervous with an increased heart rate right before I ever do anything with a girl, as I seem to over think the whole idea of sex and not being able to satisfy the girl. I have never told my doctor about any of these problems and plan to next time I see my general doc, but I am looking for any advice/recommendations/knowledge about what I could begin to do and if any of you have heard of anyone who has struggled with these two types of anxiety simultaneously. My life would drastically improve if I could conquer these phobias and I am also wondering if anyone knows of a medication that could help to get me through these two issues. Thanks!

Most people feel nervous about speaking in public

That's normal

Not normal if you have physical symptoms prior

Go over your presentations in you head until they go perfectly

That way when you go to do it, you will feel you have done it many times in the past

Sex is another issue. A cruel symptom for us possessing sticks to have to get past

Some try to work through it with changing your mindset

Unfortunately, that may be at the expense of a few hotties that you lose the opportunity

You have to go when it's time to go

Docs say you can use a little help from a pill if needed to get past the initial session

Once you get a bit of confidence with the lucky lady, it should rise with the wind

Keep it up, friend!

You'll get there!