View Full Version : anyone else feel the same?

03-23-2014, 09:08 PM
i have been to the doctors countless times for wat i think is a heart problem, ive been to A&E and had bloodwork and an ecg done and they said there was nothing unusual, this was about 3 year ago. however ive suffered from panik attacks for 5 year and they are gettin worse. does anyone suffer chest pain everyday? mostly on a night time?

03-23-2014, 11:13 PM
Sorry to hear your having a tough time!

I find that like you, when I do get chest pains it is at night as well. Its almost like when I have the most down time, time to think and for my mind to race a million different thoughts, is when it happens. Throughout the day when I'm at work, school or around other people I'm fine. But as soon as I'm relaxed and have nothing else on the go, the chest pains start. I find putting on a movie or playing a game on my phone for the time being helps to get my mind off things and eventually the chest pains stop and I can finally get some shut eye!

Noones the same but maybe try to find something that will help you relax whether its a movie or a bath or giving a friend a phone call! Hope this helped a bit!

03-24-2014, 02:38 AM
Same here. Went to docs and had bloods and ECG.....no problems. I still get the pains, dizzy feeling, pins and needles, dry mouth, headaches, etc and I know they're connected to my anxiety and depression but sometimes I'm still convinced it's something physical. It's just my mind playing tricks but doesn't make it easy sometimes. When I'm at work i'm usually ok but when my mind starts racing they come on. I find music and enormous help.
I use some mindfullness stuff and breathing techniques which, if I catch the attack early, are are good for me.
Take care out there

03-24-2014, 03:02 AM
yeah thats me too. normally when i'm at work im fine, but its trying to convince youself theres nothing wrong. thanks for the comments :)

03-24-2014, 07:39 AM
Yup. Chest pains bothered me for some time as well. I also had loads of blood drawn and a handful of ekg's done. I went to different doctors because I wanted second opinions as well.

Accepting that your tests have all come back well and that you are healthy is what will help. Not that very second. But little by little. Day by day. Hang in there. :)