View Full Version : Help!

03-23-2014, 02:26 PM
I've been struggling with anxiety for about a year or so, and about 3 months ago I took MDMA (terrible desicion) and had my first panic attack on the come down. Since then I'm terrified of having another one, and I also constantly believe that I've accidentally taken some MD (it's in my food, drink's been spiked etc) and my brain starts tricking me into having the symptoms of the high. Has anyone else experienced anything else like this/have any advice? Sorry for whinging just getting frustrated at myself for letting this get to me!

03-23-2014, 03:04 PM
I've been struggling with anxiety for about a year or so, and about 3 months ago I took MDMA (terrible desicion) and had my first panic attack on the come down. Since then I'm terrified of having another one, and I also constantly believe that I've accidentally taken some MD (it's in my food, drink's been spiked etc) and my brain starts tricking me into having the symptoms of the high. Has anyone else experienced anything else like this/have any advice? Sorry for whinging just getting frustrated at myself for letting this get to me!
I wonder if some of the symptoms that make you feel like you are high are actually just symptoms of anxiety.

03-23-2014, 03:25 PM
Used to take MD quite a lot when I used to go to illegal raves etc. The feeling of being high is probably a number of things. Firstly with anxiety it messes up your adrenaline levels, this can feel like the sort of rush and buzz you get on MD and it can last a long time when you're very anxious too. When you get adrenaline going you get the fight or flight response kicking up. Muscles tense up you feel overly alert and on edge just like when you're on a drug that gives you energy. Anxiety can also cause derealisation and depersonalisation which will make you feel like you're not really there, as if the world around you isn't real.

So to tackle this? Understand and read more into anxiety. Speak to your Dr and ask about local therapy. CBT is very effective with helping people manage their anxiety. Sometimes it needs to be paired with medication such as an SSRI or a beta blocker which can help reduce adrenaline levels. I'd recommend a beta blocker over an SSRI as SSRI's are stimulants and no joke most of them make you feel wired like you're on an E or mild MD and it'll last several weeks before dying down. Given that your anxiety is revolving around MD then I'd avoid such things. Also look to avoid stimulants such as caffeine and processed sugars and sweetners. These can cause hyperactivity and restlessness.

When you're anxious you make your body hyper sensitive to every thing you're worried about. So try and avoid triggers. Finally look at lifestyle. It can be tough but try and get some regular exercisae anmd look at your diet.

The symptoms can be very unnerving because when you're anxious you fixate a lot on little things which you think are big things and you focus on it so much that you can start experiencing and feeling in your body what you're fearing. Feeling terrible during a comedown is very common; same with a hangover. I woke up this morning with a hangover which lead to a full blown panic attack. When your body is flushing toxins out the system you'll be prone to heightened stress, tension and anxiety so medically and logically it comes as no surprise that you had a panic attack.

Problem is a panic attack robs you of a sense of safety ion your mind and body and that is a terrifying ordeal which often flings people into an anxious world because suddenly nothing feels safe and you start fretting and fearing day in day out. But back to symptoms and your fears of them - many anxious people will get chest pains and then a heart issue will often be a fixation and worry of their anxiety. Soon enough you can be giving yourself raised heart rates or arm and shoulder pain (especially left side) by worrying and focusing on heart issues so much.

It's all psychosomatic. I hope you start to feel better soon. Take positive steps and you will start to feel better. Also to conclude MD won't be in any food or drink you have. Don't worry about things being spiked, people wouldn't spike someone with MD anyway it's the complete opposite effect of a drug that people would use for spiking people. Trust me you'll be fine m'dear.
