View Full Version : why do I always feel I have some serious illness?

George Liddell
03-23-2014, 12:00 PM
basically I am so paranoid... every time I see a noticeable change in my body.. like a mole for example I INSTANTLY SAY IT'S CANCER, I have this weird mole on the side of my head, I did go to the doctors once about it, was basically told to just watch it, but doesn't matter every time I think it's cancer, I also have little red dots on my body I have had for some time! also I have stretch marks on both sides on my arms below my armpit... I always think I have some serious death threaten disease and I feel ill die in 6 months if I don't go to the doctors everyday.

and I am 21 year old male.

03-23-2014, 01:32 PM
I think you have to really sit down and think about the fact that if they told you it wasn't cancer, it isn't cancer. Ask them to do a basic work up on you, once they've don't that and everything checks out. don't let that run your life.
I would rather live a happy life, and find out I have cancer than have a stressful life..my whole life..and never probably even get cancer. just be happy you are alive. and healthy. seriously. try it.. it will help