View Full Version : What is going on

03-23-2014, 06:54 AM
Hello im new here but not new to anxiety. First ill give you a little backround at age 13 found father dead suicide. also to note my grandpa and great grandpa all suicides none lived passed 36. The day i found my father dead the car was running in garage i didnt want to leave him so stayed until i passed out and mental health issues have follwed ever since. On A/Ds ever since 13 and somewhat stable i had 1 real attempt at 15 took whole bottle of pills but woke up 2 days later. But the major think going on now is anxiety and fear.

The anxiety started around 22 and has gotten worse over time im scared im having a heart attack constantly and all the other normal symptoms ive come to live with them to an extent but strange things have been happening making me wonder if its all panic causeing my problems. Over the past month i have been getting random brain wooshes and no im not comming off of any drug. But last night was different been stressed for 4 days now start new job tomorrow so much stuff to get done today and not sure if i can perform up to the expectations of new employer made the choice to switch jobs while manic i should have know better. But back to last night around 11pm i went outside to have a cigg started feeling dizzy faint sweaty hands but more alarming extremly high heart rate and the thing is im starting to wonder if its more than panic. usually when i have a high heart rate its from like smoking weed and last for hours along with panic. havent smoked in 3 months because of last episode. But this was different nothing like ive ever felt before heart was pounding so i got scared woke up my wife told her what was going on she too felt my heart rate and was suprissed but unlike every other time this has happened within seconds my heart rate droped to normal and i felt fine. Im starting to wonder if it could be a thyroid problem thats started this attack. Has anyone here had panic/anxiety the whole life but turned out to be a thyroid problem or am i just over thinking a panic attack that was just diffrent than the usual ones. Thank you if you have any similar personal stories please share.

03-23-2014, 08:12 AM
I can tell you that when I first went to the doc because of my anxiety & panic attacks, the very first thing he did was have blood drawn to check for a thyroid problem. I actually prayed that it would come back positive but it did not. However, it certainly wouldn't hurt for you to have it checked out. :)

03-23-2014, 10:50 AM
Hello im new here but not new to anxiety. First ill give you a little backround at age 13 found father dead suicide. also to note my grandpa and great grandpa all suicides none lived passed 36. The day i found my father dead the car was running in garage i didnt want to leave him so stayed until i passed out and mental health issues have follwed ever since. On A/Ds ever since 13 and somewhat stable i had 1 real attempt at 15 took whole bottle of pills but woke up 2 days later. But the major think going on now is anxiety and fear. The anxiety started around 22 and has gotten worse over time im scared im having a heart attack constantly and all the other normal symptoms ive come to live with them to an extent but strange things have been happening making me wonder if its all panic causeing my problems. Over the past month i have been getting random brain wooshes and no im not comming off of any drug. But last night was different been stressed for 4 days now start new job tomorrow so much stuff to get done today and not sure if i can perform up to the expectations of new employer made the choice to switch jobs while manic i should have know better. But back to last night around 11pm i went outside to have a cigg started feeling dizzy faint sweaty hands but more alarming extremly high heart rate and the thing is im starting to wonder if its more than panic. usually when i have a high heart rate its from like smoking weed and last for hours along with panic. havent smoked in 3 months because of last episode. But this was different nothing like ive ever felt before heart was pounding so i got scared woke up my wife told her what was going on she too felt my heart rate and was suprissed but unlike every other time this has happened within seconds my heart rate droped to normal and i felt fine. Im starting to wonder if it could be a thyroid problem thats started this attack. Has anyone here had panic/anxiety the whole life but turned out to be a thyroid problem or am i just over thinking a panic attack that was just diffrent than the usual ones. Thank you if you have any similar personal stories please share.

First off I'm sorry you had that trauma at such a young age. I couldn't imagine that. I started getting panic attacks at age 22 myself. I've been on Lexapro for 13 years. In October I decided off all meds. My pdoc was against it but we weaned off slowly. Bad withdrawal symptoms. But one that passed I felt great. Then 3-3-14 I'm sitting at my desk at work and start to feel as though I'm passing out. The my heart races and my mind goes blank. Went to the ER got the works EKG , chest X-ray, blood urine etc . Had been so long since I've had a panic attack I forgot how terrible they were. One week later wake up & 2:30am my heart beating so fast and hard, chest tightening, feeling faint, arms numb etc. Took everything I had not to call am ambulances started taking VIibryd 3-4-14 20mg with 25 mg Librium and have felt good since. Never has my thyroid checked. But damn panic attacks are nasty and make your mind think you're dying . Hope you get this under control. Good luck!

03-23-2014, 07:12 PM
sorry it took so long to reply, but thank you for your replies. after getting everything done today i feel much better about starting my new job tomorrow. But man i am so tired of thinking im always dying of something. This new job offers insurance im probably gonna have to get back on the klonopin to get this under control. still though nothing explains the random brain wooshes and sometimes it feels like the ground is vibrating under my feet it only last for a couple seconds and also lately i get random blue specs in my vision that only last for a second or less. i guess im gonna have to get my thyroid checked , ive had all other blood work done and everythings ok execpt low vitamin k for an unknown reason. but once agian thank you for your replies

03-23-2014, 07:35 PM
sorry it took so long to reply, but thank you for your replies. after getting everything done today i feel much better about starting my new job tomorrow. But man i am so tired of thinking im always dying of something. This new job offers insurance im probably gonna have to get back on the klonopin to get this under control. still though nothing explains the random brain wooshes and sometimes it feels like the ground is vibrating under my feet it only last for a couple seconds and also lately i get random blue specs in my vision that only last for a second or less. i guess im gonna have to get my thyroid checked , ive had all other blood work done and everythings ok execpt low vitamin k for an unknown reason. but once agian thank you for your replies

I've had those symptoms as well with the brain swooshes and specks in my vision. Hang in there and you will be fine . Beat of luck to you