View Full Version : Anxiety - Good or bad?

03-22-2014, 08:05 PM
Hey guys :)

Last couple of days have been reaaally good. I'm back into my life with school, social life and training and I actually feel like I'm myself again. I feel like this because I've simply find a way to deal with my anxiety.

I was thinking earlier today and this question popped up: Is anxiety a good or a bad thing?

I know that life is what you make it. I know you can look at it from a positive perspective and from a negative perspective. Anxiety can be a horrible and scary thing. But it can also be a beautiful thing.

For example, brushing your teeth - You do it because it keeps your teeth clean, not because it's fun. It's boring as sh*t, but you do it because you benefit from it. I think it's the same thing with anxiety.

Now, I hate when people think with their feelings and make absolutely no sense. Saying anxiety is negative pretty much means you're thinking with your feelings and of course, you are wrong if you think that.

I believe that rationality and logic is the key to overcome this. Anxiety is not just a good thing, it's beautiful if you learn how to deal with it.

03-22-2014, 09:38 PM
I think normal anxiety isn't an issue. We all face it and most people deal with it as it's a temporary thing. Like giving that first speech in from of the class or going to the doctor. But for those of us that are just sitting here and get hit with an anxiety attack for no apparent reason and this happens frequently then something is wrong with our body. It would be like driving your car and your windshield wipers keep turning on when it's a dry sunny day. You wouldn't learn to deal with but you would take caution to fix the problem. So I get what your saying as anxiety at a normal expected response to something is a good thing. But when your brain is misfiring and shooting false alarms something needs done.

03-23-2014, 06:15 AM
Hi Alias,

That's fantastic that you are getting your life back to normal!!! You really deserve it!

As to your question I think the answer is as stated. In certain situations it is perfectly normal and necessary. It's only a problem when the anxiety constantly hits in inappropriate times. Then it needs fixing.

Keep up the great work! It's so good to see you on this path!
