View Full Version : Bad day :(

03-22-2014, 05:13 PM
My boyfriend & his mom picked me up for his nieces bday party & as soon as we got there, anxiety set in.. I took a xanax & made it through..

Now we came back to our house because I wanted to try & stay the night.. Well my boyfriend is napping..

Idk what's going on but I'm sitting here & I just wanna cry & go back to my moms.. Maybe I'm not ready?? Wtf. Will I ever get my normal life back??? :(

03-22-2014, 05:22 PM
Hey! Try not to beat yourself up over it, just try to remain strong, you can do it! :) Try not to let Anxiety ruin the things that you enjoy doing. I'm sorry you've had a tough day, but try not to dwell on it, just think to yourself "Tomorrow is another day, and I won't let this Anxiety beat me up" YOU can do it! You will get your normal life back, try to remain positive and think of things that you want to do so that you can occupy yourself. Occupying yourself can sometimes clear the Anxiety because you're doing something productive. It's quite normal to feel upset because you feel as if you've let yourself down, but the best thing to do is try not too beat yourself up over it, and let it defeat you. Just remain strong, try to talk to your loved ones about how you feel, and they will help you.

I hope you get better, Feel free to message me or anyone on the forum if you feel upset, you're not alone, you can do it! Good luck :)

03-22-2014, 05:25 PM
Brooke , i like that name . So much its my daughters name . One day at a time . Is this he first time you have stay the night since this all started? I think your will find that alot of this has to do with the pressure you are placing on yourself for everything to go back to normal . Its ok that things feel a little off , a little out of place . This is your anxiety , in fact it is your anxiety feeding you shit about going back to your mums because you will feel safe . Stand up to it and tell it that it is full of it and that you have done this before and you will do it again and if IT doesn't like it then it can go annoy someone else .

Aw, I don't know many other Brooke's!! :)

Yes, this is my first time being here since this most recent anxiety spurt.. I've been over twice to grab clothes but that's all..

You're so right!! Thank you!! I need to stop letting this control my life..

03-22-2014, 05:27 PM
Hey! Try not to beat yourself up over it, just try to remain strong, you can do it! :) Try not to let Anxiety ruin the things that you enjoy doing. I'm sorry you've had a tough day, but try not to dwell on it, just think to yourself "Tomorrow is another day, and I won't let this Anxiety beat me up" YOU can do it! You will get your normal life back, try to remain positive and think of things that you want to do so that you can occupy yourself. Occupying yourself can sometimes clear the Anxiety because you're doing something productive. It's quite normal to feel upset because you feel as if you've let yourself down, but the best thing to do is try not too beat yourself up over it, and let it defeat you. Just remain strong, try to talk to your loved ones about how you feel, and they will help you. I hope you get better, Feel free to message me or anyone on the forum if you feel upset, you're not alone, you can do it! Good luck :)

Thank you so much!! I needed that..

& okay, I'll take you up on that offer sometime! :)

03-22-2014, 08:23 PM
I've decided not to stay over.. I'm not ready. I came over for a few hours so I think that's my first step.. I'm still here now..

The reason why I'm afraid to stay the night is because one night I was asleep here, woke up having a panic attack & drove myself straight to my moms, got put on meds the next day & I've been at my moms ever since.. About a month.

I'm worried I'll have another attack during the night again & it was horrible.. Worse than an attack during the day.. & that was my first attack while asleep..

Point to this is, I need to take baby steps.

03-22-2014, 11:42 PM
I've decided not to stay over.. I'm not ready. I came over for a few hours so I think that's my first step.. I'm still here now..

The reason why I'm afraid to stay the night is because one night I was asleep here, woke up having a panic attack & drove myself straight to my moms, got put on meds the next day & I've been at my moms ever since.. About a month.

I'm worried I'll have another attack during the night again & it was horrible.. Worse than an attack during the day.. & that was my first attack while asleep..

Point to this is, I need to take baby steps.

Hang in there! You made the right decision tonight. Just try a bit at a time. I think that's great that you realized what was happening, and then took steps to keep yourself as healthy and comfortable as possible.

03-22-2014, 11:48 PM
Hang in there! You made the right decision tonight. Just try a bit at a time. I think that's great that you realized what was happening, and then took steps to keep yourself as healthy and comfortable as possible.

Thank you!!

I'm going over again tomorrow.. Figured id start off by spending a few hours there & then go from there..

03-23-2014, 01:33 AM
Brooke i was in exactly same position as you i had my first attack just as i was goin to sleep and i ended up goin into my moms room and havent been able to sleep in ma own room since unless theres been someone in there with me!

Ive now redecorated all my bedroom and changed all the furniture to see if that helps me not associate it with an attack.

Im goin to try and sleep in there tomorrow night but ive been spendin like a few hours a day in there to get me used to it again.

03-23-2014, 05:42 AM
Hey Brooke!

Yay! You are beginning to really know yourself!

You aren't ready Bella, and you recognized that. Baby steps! You are going to get there.

You know I'm really in your corner on this one! Slow and steady will win this race. Try again another day for a few more hours. Build on your successes!

You will get there!

03-23-2014, 06:52 AM
You still made it over there dear!
Still a success!!....
That's further than you'd gone before...

Have a great day!

Enduronman.... :)

03-23-2014, 11:12 AM
Brooke i was in exactly same position as you i had my first attack just as i was goin to sleep and i ended up goin into my moms room and havent been able to sleep in ma own room since unless theres been someone in there with me! Ive now redecorated all my bedroom and changed all the furniture to see if that helps me not associate it with an attack. Im goin to try and sleep in there tomorrow night but ive been spendin like a few hours a day in there to get me used to it again.

Let me know how it goes for you!! Good luck :)

03-23-2014, 11:12 AM
Hey Brooke! Yay! You are beginning to really know yourself! You aren't ready Bella, and you recognized that. Baby steps! You are going to get there. You know I'm really in your corner on this one! Slow and steady will win this race. Try again another day for a few more hours. Build on your successes! You will get there! Cheers! Pam

Thank you!! :)

03-23-2014, 11:13 AM
Broookkkklllyynnn!!! You still made it over there dear! Still a success!!.... That's further than you'd gone before... Have a great day! Enduronman.... :)

Thank you!!

Have a good day also! :)

03-23-2014, 02:27 PM
Brooke . I get this feeling that you are disappointed in your self for being what you consider a chicken . You tired and recovery is all about this and nothing more . Push a bit pass your limits but if you cant do it you cant do it . Its all about pushing but not pushing too hard that it effects you in a stressful way and causes more long term problems . Stop beating yourself up about things , it is a process and something that takes a bit of time . The one thing i will say is control your thoughts, When was your last attack to start with ? Do you think you are bringing the past into the future ? Just because something happens once does not mean that it will happen again but worrying about it and showing your brain there is a problem their when there really isnt is the quickest way to get it to react .

I was disappointed but I've come to realize, it's okay.. You guys made me understand that this takes time.. I can't expect everything to go back to normal right away, no matter how much I want it to..

My last PA was that night at my house..

& that's my problem.. If I have a panic attack somewhere, I avoid that place.

03-23-2014, 03:35 PM
Well dont , you heard the saying if you fall off the horse then get back on . Panic attacks can happen anywhere and are only a shift in thought or chemical . If you show your brain that there is a problem where you have one it will take notice and react to protect you from what it thinks is danger . Remember its not the place or the item that caused the attack .

Thank you so much!!!

03-23-2014, 05:22 PM
Hey! How are you feeling today? Like Forwells said, don't avoid places where you think you'll have a Panic attack, try to put yourself in the spot, but at the same time don't put to much pressure on yourself because it can lead to stress because Panic attacks can occur anytime at any place. I sometimes even have them in my own home, and it's not like I can avoid home! I hope you're feeling better! :)

03-23-2014, 06:12 PM
Hey! How are you feeling today? Like Forwells said, don't avoid places where you think you'll have a Panic attack, try to put yourself in the spot, but at the same time don't put to much pressure on yourself because it can lead to stress because Panic attacks can occur anytime at any place. I sometimes even have them in my own home, and it's not like I can avoid home! I hope you're feeling better! :)

Hi :)

I'm better today!!

You guys are right.. I need to stop avoiding places that I've panicked at.. I'm just so use to doing that.

How are youuuu? :)

Niicole Lynne
03-23-2014, 06:22 PM
Sorry to hear about your bad day but good to hear today is better :)
Iv kind of been doing the same thing
When I hear a song, see a show or whatever involving death I get really freaked out like I'm waiting for the panic and attack to set it
It doesn't... But my fear of the fear makes me nervous
So keep strong girl! And know that we all have good and bad days
This is an up hill climb

03-23-2014, 06:47 PM
Hey Brooke,
My advice...Just keep going over and staying as long as you are comfortable. Eventually you will work up to staying. As Pam said. Baby steps. Dont get yourself worked up over it. It will all work out for you

03-23-2014, 07:23 PM
Sorry you had a bad day. Everyone here is already giving you great advice, just keep going over and don't push yourself. You will know when you are ready to do it!

03-23-2014, 07:42 PM
Sorry to hear about your bad day but good to hear today is better :) Iv kind of been doing the same thing When I hear a song, see a show or whatever involving death I get really freaked out like I'm waiting for the panic and attack to set it It doesn't... But my fear of the fear makes me nervous So keep strong girl! And know that we all have good and bad days This is an up hill climb

Thank you!!

Hope you're still doing good besides that!! :)

03-23-2014, 07:43 PM
Hey Brooke, My advice...Just keep going over and staying as long as you are comfortable. Eventually you will work up to staying. As Pam said. Baby steps. Dont get yourself worked up over it. It will all work out for you

Thank you.. I'm going to try that :)

03-23-2014, 07:44 PM
Sorry you had a bad day. Everyone here is already giving you great advice, just keep going over and don't push yourself. You will know when you are ready to do it!

Yes you guys are all awesome!!

I'm gonna do that..

& yea, sitting there yesterday I could just tell I wasn't ready.. So you're right, I'll know when I am!!

Thank you :)

03-23-2014, 07:59 PM
Sorry you had a bad day. Everyone here is already giving you great advice, just keep going over and don't push yourself. You will know when you are ready to do it!

You are exactly right!

I knew this couple of friends once that were so close and had a blast all the time

Then one day one of them just stopped being their friend and the other two were very sad

Those two tried to move on but they knew they needed their friend back to be complete

Then one day, the wolf came to the house and said I'll huff and puff and blow.....

Hold on wrong story

Anyway, one day the one friend realized they all needed to be together because nights got really boring by themselves

So they all decided crack was whack and lived happily ever after

03-23-2014, 08:04 PM
Yes you guys are all awesome!!

I'm gonna do that..

& yea, sitting there yesterday I could just tell I wasn't ready.. So you're right, I'll know when I am!!

Thank you :)

It will be soon though :) Maybe have your Mom come stay over there with you? See if that comforts you.

03-23-2014, 08:08 PM
You are exactly right! I knew this couple of friends once that were so close and had a blast all the time Then one day one of them just stopped being their friend and the other two were very sad Those two tried to move on but they knew they needed their friend back to be complete Then one day, the wolf came to the house and said I'll huff and puff and blow..... Hold on wrong story Anyway, one day the one friend realized they all needed to be together because nights got really boring by themselves So they all decided crack was whack and lived happily ever after

Lmao. Thanks for the laugh! :)

03-23-2014, 08:09 PM
It will be soon though :) Maybe have your Mom come stay over there with you? See if that comforts you.

That is a brilliant idea!!! Thank you! I'm going to try that!!

03-23-2014, 08:11 PM
That is a brilliant idea!!! Thank you! I'm going to try that!!

I may be 28, but having my Mama there helps me still lol. It might make you feel safer.

03-23-2014, 08:12 PM
I may be 28, but having my Mama there helps me still lol. It might make you feel safer.

Lol! Moms are the best :)

It will definitely help!

Niicole Lynne
03-23-2014, 08:17 PM
That is a brilliant idea!!! Thank you! I'm going to try that!!

That's an awesome idea
Kinda ease into it!! :)

03-23-2014, 08:41 PM
I may be 28, but having my Mama there helps me still lol. It might make you feel safer.

That's exactly right!

My mom used to give me advice after I made a bad decision

Your mom ever do that after a bad decision?

You should ask

Moms are great for making wrongs, right

03-23-2014, 08:48 PM
Hi :)

I'm better today!!

You guys are right.. I need to stop avoiding places that I've panicked at.. I'm just so use to doing that.

How are youuuu? :)

Not too bad thank you :) Exhausted from a long bike ride. I'm trying to exercise more now, Sometimes I find exercise can sometimes clear Anxiety for a while because your're occupying yourself. You seem to be getting a lot of good advice here :) As someone said it's always nice to talk to a loved one like your mother on how you're feeling. I'm 18 and when I have a problem or if I get a Panic attack, my mother is the first one I go to for help because she's been through them herself when I was very little!

03-23-2014, 09:14 PM
Not too bad thank you :) Exhausted from a long bike ride. I'm trying to exercise more now, Sometimes I find exercise can sometimes clear Anxiety for a while because your're occupying yourself. You seem to be getting a lot of good advice here :) As someone said it's always nice to talk to a loved one like your mother on how you're feeling. I'm 18 and when I have a problem or if I get a Panic attack, my mother is the first one I go to for help because she's been through them herself when I was very little!

That's what I need to do.. Exercise! I've been wanting to try yoga.. I think I'll start my day tomorrow with some yoga :)

Yes, lots of good advice!! That's awesome you have your mom to go to! Mine never went through panic attacks but deals with anxiety.. But she can ALWAYS calm me down lol..

Moms rock :)