View Full Version : Lack of focus and concentration and getting annoyed easily!!!

03-22-2014, 04:00 PM
Hey people! :D How's everyone doing? I don't know if this is related to Anxiety/Depression etc, but I've noticed in the last few months, I seem to lack focus on things I enjoy. It's like as if My brain is not functioning properly, and my mind goes blank when I feel panicky. For instance I feel like giving up easily, I usually play Tennis with my friends, and not too long ago, I was beating my friend really easily, now when I play, I can never focus and I always end up doing shit. I also am forgetting little things, and it takes a while for my mind sometimes to catch on. I've only been like this the last 2-3 months.

I also was a bit of a Gamer, and I usually find it hard to focus on things. I also feel as if I have a large temper inside me, I've always been a calm and collected person, even when stuff would go wrong in school, I would just take my mind off it. I did have a very bad temper when I was in primary school, but when I turned to Secondary school, I learned to control myself. Now I get angry over little things, for instance I'm yelling at my dog over nothing, and there's a certain person (who will be unnamed) Whenever I see that person they make me very annoyed.

I haven't mentioned this to my therapist yet, Also I seem to be lacking in a lot of confidence in myself over the last few months, I have always been quiet, but whenever I walk somewhere now, I usually keep my head low because I think people are talking about me. Does anyone have any suggestions?

03-22-2014, 04:14 PM
Those are definitely normal symptoms of anxiety. I think you aren't able to concentrate and do as well as you could because your mind and your body are telling you that something isn't right and that you need to slow down. Also, anxiety takes a lot of energy out of you and sometimes it consumes your thoughts. I would recommend talking to your therapist about it if you feel comfortable enough, it wouldn't hurt :)

03-22-2014, 04:31 PM
Those are definitely normal symptoms of anxiety. I think you aren't able to concentrate and do as well as you could because your mind and your body are telling you that something isn't right and that you need to slow down. Also, anxiety takes a lot of energy out of you and sometimes it consumes your thoughts. I would recommend talking to your therapist about it if you feel comfortable enough, it wouldn't hurt :)

Thanks! :) I thought at first it was just me, I've noticed that I always feel a lot more tired, I've been having sleeping Problems since around Christmas time. I get a few decent night's sleep here and there, but for the most part, find it hard to nod off! Thanks when I'll see the therapist next, I'll make sure to mention it to him! :)

03-22-2014, 06:12 PM
Bump thread

03-22-2014, 06:17 PM
Bump thread
What does that mean?