View Full Version : Wish anxiety took the weekends off....

03-22-2014, 01:46 PM
It's hard to deal with anxiety/panic disorder at work. But it makes it a little more aggravating when your at home on your days off and your still feeling all these sensations and fears. Wish it had days off. :)

03-22-2014, 02:23 PM
It's hard to deal with anxiety/panic disorder at work. But it makes it a little more aggravating when your at home on your days off and your still feeling all these sensations and fears. Wish it had days off. :)

Totally agree. Kinda leaves nothing to look forward to. When I see people post "TGIF" I think, why? The weekend's gonna suck just as bad. Makes me envious of people who feel normal senses of relief and excitement....

03-22-2014, 02:25 PM
Ah, wouldn't that be awesome for everyone.

they'd have to shut this place down for the weekend :)

03-22-2014, 02:31 PM
Totally agree with you guys. Its bad enough at work....but come on....take a break at home right. I dont know if all my new meds are starting to kick in....but i have had a pretty good anxiety free day. I woke up with it. But it didnt last long. Hope you guys can somehow enjoy your day

03-22-2014, 04:06 PM
What if it took the Weekdays off too, Wouldn't that be even better :)

03-22-2014, 04:24 PM
No kidding.. :(

03-22-2014, 11:26 PM
It's hard to deal with anxiety/panic disorder at work. But it makes it a little more aggravating when your at home on your days off and your still feeling all these sensations and fears. Wish it had days off. :)

Yeah. I don't even work right now (but am a single mom and have my kids every day). There's no break, no relief from the anxiety. Sick of it.

03-23-2014, 08:54 AM
Yeah. I don't even work right now (but am a single mom and have my kids every day). There's no break, no relief from the anxiety. Sick of it.

I'm sorry to hear that. Hope you don't mind me asking. How do you cope with it and your kids? Do they know?

03-23-2014, 09:22 AM
I'm sorry to hear that. Hope you don't mind me asking. How do you cope with it and your kids? Do they know?

Thanks for responding... definitely don't mind you asking! :) I think I sounded a little dramatic when I wrote that :). Was in a low point!

I wasn't coping at all actually (not well), so I started going to an outpatient program for anxiety (4 hours a day, 3 days a week) - kids are usually in school then, but it's often a major balancing act to even get to the program, or find sitters when they're off school (or I just skip). But I've kept trying and I'm doing better now, and also have an outside therapist. Kids are just 5 and 8 - I've told them I don't always act the way I'd like to, and the way they deserve, but that I'm working very hard to get better. My ex has the kids two overnights a week, but I see them every day (before and after the overnights). I adore them and love that I get to see them so often, but anxiety and kids... it's a rough mix. Breaks are critical!

03-23-2014, 12:42 PM
Thanks for responding... definitely don't mind you asking! :) I think I sounded a little dramatic when I wrote that :). Was in a low point! I wasn't coping at all actually (not well), so I started going to an outpatient program for anxiety (4 hours a day, 3 days a week) - kids are usually in school then, but it's often a major balancing act to even get to the program, or find sitters when they're off school (or I just skip). But I've kept trying and I'm doing better now, and also have an outside therapist. Kids are just 5 and 8 - I've told them I don't always act the way I'd like to, and the way they deserve, but that I'm working very hard to get better. My ex has the kids two overnights a week, but I see them every day (before and after the overnights). I adore them and love that I get to see them so often, but anxiety and kids... it's a rough mix. Breaks are critical!

It's hard with kids. I have 3. But I also have my mom living with me and I thank god for her everyday. She understands that I need to sometimes just go to my room and shut myself off

03-23-2014, 04:14 PM
Thanks for responding... definitely don't mind you asking! :) I think I sounded a little dramatic when I wrote that :). Was in a low point!

I wasn't coping at all actually (not well), so I started going to an outpatient program for anxiety (4 hours a day, 3 days a week) - kids are usually in school then, but it's often a major balancing act to even get to the program, or find sitters when they're off school (or I just skip). But I've kept trying and I'm doing better now, and also have an outside therapist. Kids are just 5 and 8 - I've told them I don't always act the way I'd like to, and the way they deserve, but that I'm working very hard to get better. My ex has the kids two overnights a week, but I see them every day (before and after the overnights). I adore them and love that I get to see them so often, but anxiety and kids... it's a rough mix. Breaks are critical!

I also am a stay at home mom, fortunately not a single one. I don't know how much of a difference it makes currently because I either push myself too hard to do everything, or get aggravated at my partner because I feel like I'm doing everything. I guess I fear that if I don't do enough, I'll be seen as useless/worthless and won't be wanted anymore.
I've definitely been frustrated more lately because my son is at an age where he understands his surroundings but too young to explain it to, I'm constantly having to tell him "mommy isn't feeling well right now." I'm pretty sure he's going to grow up thinking I'm ill.
Guess I don't really know how to handle it.
I also have no breaks, not hardly anyway. He is attached to my hip 24/7.

03-23-2014, 07:18 PM
I also am a stay at home mom, fortunately not a single one. I don't know how much of a difference it makes currently because I either push myself too hard to do everything, or get aggravated at my partner because I feel like I'm doing everything. I guess I fear that if I don't do enough, I'll be seen as useless/worthless and won't be wanted anymore.
I've definitely been frustrated more lately because my son is at an age where he understands his surroundings but too young to explain it to, I'm constantly having to tell him "mommy isn't feeling well right now." I'm pretty sure he's going to grow up thinking I'm ill.
Guess I don't really know how to handle it.
I also have no breaks, not hardly anyway. He is attached to my hip 24/7.

I say the same thing to my kids! ("mommy isn't feeling well/tired/etc")... and then I wonder if that's what they're going to remember about me someday!

I had the same problem when married - still didn't get breaks, and got angry at my husband for not helping enough. It's so nonstop. Both of my kids are sick tonight... spring break was supposed to be ending, and they'd go to school and I'd go to my outpatient program tomorrow. Now I have to stay home with them. Frustrated!!

03-23-2014, 10:03 PM
I say the same thing to my kids! ("mommy isn't feeling well/tired/etc")... and then I wonder if that's what they're going to remember about me someday! I had the same problem when married - still didn't get breaks, and got angry at my husband for not helping enough. It's so nonstop. Both of my kids are sick tonight... spring break was supposed to be ending, and they'd go to school and I'd go to my outpatient program tomorrow. Now I have to stay home with them. Frustrated!!

I'm sorry :( dealing with one sick kid is hard enough, can't imagine two. Be strong.