View Full Version : The longest you've gone without leaving the house??

03-22-2014, 12:46 PM
So myself and my son have kinda been cooped up the past couple of days due to my anxiety and hormones... Just wondering if anyone else doesn't leave the house for periods of time, and if so the longest you've gone staying home?

03-22-2014, 01:38 PM
Hi Brittany I think I've been indoors about 10 days without going out. Maybe even longer actually. That was just last year. Up until December last year I'd stay indoors maybe 5/6 days without going outside very regularly.

I think I've gone close to 2 weeks.. Last year my son got the flu, then I got sick as he was getting better... But it was too stressful. I just feel bad for my son... :(

03-22-2014, 01:40 PM
I have never stayed in longer then a day or 2. I remember during my last bout of anxiety I went out for a drive and I he been gripping g the steering wheel so tight that my hands hurt after

03-22-2014, 01:45 PM
Like close to 2 weeks I think.

03-22-2014, 01:58 PM
Exactly. Everything sort of tenses up. But I find I need to get out of the house. Not to be social but just going for a drive is good for me

03-22-2014, 02:00 PM
Really shows the underlying anxiety that we are not even consciously aware of. I'm sure the jaw clenching that I'm seemingly always doing, even just sitting watching the telly, is responsible for my constant headaches. At least it's going to contribute to it.

If say that is something that brings on the headaches. I feel it too

03-22-2014, 02:00 PM
I'd say. Lol. Dumb auto correct

03-22-2014, 02:19 PM
Really shows the underlying anxiety that we are not even consciously aware of. I'm sure the jaw clenching that I'm seemingly always doing, even just sitting watching the telly, is responsible for my constant headaches. At least it's going to contribute to it.

I do that too. I also find myself scowling.. I have to consciously relax my face constantly...and I also always have pressure in my jaw and face

03-22-2014, 03:50 PM
I stay in a lot, I don't go to parties, Concerts, etc very much, but I usually never stay in more than 3 days in a row.

03-22-2014, 04:28 PM
I stay in a lot, I don't go to parties, Concerts, etc very much, but I usually never stay in more than 3 days in a row.

I don't do anything social unless you count the supermarket.. I always try to get out of the house... but I think I'm on a streak. I have no desire to leave..

03-22-2014, 04:41 PM
I don't do anything social unless you count the supermarket.. I always try to get out of the house... but I think I'm on a streak. I have no desire to leave..

If you can, try to find yourself a hobby or something you enjoy doing, I know what you mean, Anxiety can sometimes make things that you used to enjoy doing not seem as fun anymore! It doesn't have to be social, I'm not very social myself, I'll just occasionally visit a few friends, go and play Tennis, Go on my Bike.

Hey!! At least you are going to the Supermarket, some people don't even do that! They just order online

03-22-2014, 05:04 PM
If you can, try to find yourself a hobby or something you enjoy doing, I know what you mean, Anxiety can sometimes make things that you used to enjoy doing not seem as fun anymore! It doesn't have to be social, I'm not very social myself, I'll just occasionally visit a few friends, go and play Tennis, Go on my Bike.

Hey!! At least you are going to the Supermarket, some people don't even do that! They just order online

You give me too much credit.. most of my shopping is online.
Honestly, I don't really have friends.. sounds pathetic and I don't want sympathy, I'm ok with it, I enjoy being a loner but, there's really not a lot for me to do. My fiance works during the day, and I have a young son but solo play dates get old after a while. It's no longer a matter of not wanting to do anything, more of having limited options.

03-22-2014, 05:14 PM
You give me too much credit.. most of my shopping is online.
Honestly, I don't really have friends.. sounds pathetic and I don't want sympathy, I'm ok with it, I enjoy being a loner but, there's really not a lot for me to do. My fiance works during the day, and I have a young son but solo play dates get old after a while. It's no longer a matter of not wanting to do anything, more of having limited options.

It's not pathetic at all! Sometimes I feel pathetic because I don't do things that people my age do. I'm 18 and majority of people my age get drunk, laid, go to concerts etc. My Anxiety stops me from going to crowded places, I have about 3 friends, and I usually just go to their house and sometimes go for a drive with them. I have never been a drinker because drinking makes my depression a lot worse, and I'm not too keen on going the stuff.

I don't think you're pathetic because I can kinda relate in a way, If I was to call you pathetic, I would be making fun of myself too.

03-22-2014, 05:15 PM
* I meant to say not too keen on drinking the stuff

03-22-2014, 05:41 PM
It's not pathetic at all! Sometimes I feel pathetic because I don't do things that people my age do. I'm 18 and majority of people my age get drunk, laid, go to concerts etc. My Anxiety stops me from going to crowded places, I have about 3 friends, and I usually just go to their house and sometimes go for a drive with them. I have never been a drinker because drinking makes my depression a lot worse, and I'm not too keen on going the stuff.

I don't think you're pathetic because I can kinda relate in a way, If I was to call you pathetic, I would be making fun of myself too.

I would totally be willing to go to other people's houses or having people over.. but there's really no-one. I moved to this town about 4 years ago, and haven't had such luck making or keeping friends. There are a few that don't live here, but doesn't really help on a day to day basis for obvious reasons.
Then on the flip-side, times I have had opportunities to go out or having people over, I became a nervous wreck.. cleaning for 5 hours straight or not being able to eat... I think I'm afraid that people will put me on the spot, not knowing of my issues, and I'll freak out. So I'm comfortable not being obligated to maintain friendships for the sake of my bad days.. but on days when I could use a contrast of personalities, I'm kinda screwed.
I don't drink either, kind of not a good combined with my already jumbled brain, if you know what I mean...
I have hope that someday I'll find a friend that accepts me for who I am, and maybe will be equally mad. :)

03-24-2014, 04:29 PM
3 days max