View Full Version : Need help with my anxiety and fears... new here

03-22-2014, 05:12 AM
Hello all,

Am new to this forum and find this place quite helpful and supportive. Am a 25 yrs female who is always considered intelligent as I ws a top grader in my university. For past few months I have been bored and a bit stressed in general. Nothing extreme. But...few weeks ago I felt suddenly that something is happening to my head and am loosing control... I become so scared and started trembling with fear... I ws very dizzy and remained like this for about 24 hours. I guess it was a panic attack. The whole week was very miserable for me then...I stopped eating completely. Lost appetite, was insomniac, was nauseous...and very terribly scared. Negative thoughts were coming to mind alot.

After that I even went to ER one day in state of Panic..and they said its just anxiety .They gave me a pill, which still didnt make me sleep. I went to psychiatrist but no help he just prescribed me a few drugs and said DONT THINK so much... I mean how can I stop thinking. I didn't start the tablets as I ws already afraid of them and searched a lot about them on internet. MY GP prescribed me a few vitamins and amino acids..

I started taking the vitamins etc and felt my shivering stopped and I felt a bit better overall. But still... this fear that something is happening to my head scares me a lot all the time. I have lost interest in everything and am just scared about myself. Being such an active and social girl I feel miserable right now as m just doing nothing and just worrying :(

Can u all guide me how will I remove this fear of something happening inside my head or I being in that Panic state again. I fear it a lot. Vitamins n minerals are helping a bit...but this constant fear is with me.. I just wanna be normal again. Why have I become like this all of the sudden :( I can't go to a therapist, don't have any near by.

Sorry for the long story...Will be waiting for your constructive suggestions.


03-22-2014, 06:34 AM
Hey Hun!

First what you're feeling is absolutely normal. What can contribute to dizziness is lack of sleep and sometimes a poor diet. But what it most likely is, is that you've been so stressed out and you haven't realized it building up that one day you just lost control. The shivering is usually related to nervousness and anxiety. That's also normal.

The thing is, what you've done is that you've associated fear in your head with specific thoughts. So the harder you try not to think about it, the more the fear will come up. The trick is to re-associate those thoughts with good things and patterns of behaviour. Realize that you are in complete control. And because you have been happy before you can do it again. Your mind just thinks there's a reason to be worried. What you need to do is re-train your thoughts and your behaviours back into your previous routine.

Get anything, music, a movie or something that makes you relaxed and hold that emotion. Let it "sink" and let it fill your body. Now when you feel this emotion, always have the same music on, or the same movie/behaviour. This will retrain your subconscious mind that when ever you feel afraid, your mind will neutralize the fear because it has associated peace and calmness with the music/activity you were doing at the time when you felt relaxed.

An alternative, or additional activity is to do meditation. Not the one where you can levitate, haha. Meditation, as in just clearing the mind. If you do this, make sure you do this when you are relaxed and calm, and don't do it only when you need it, that won't work. By focusing on nothing for 5/10 mins a day and slowly building up will also retrain your subconscious to feel peaceful and calm in any situation, IF you put the time in.

Hope some of this helps! If you have any questions just get in contact with me, be glad to help.

03-22-2014, 07:26 AM
Thankyou so much for ur kind words and reply dear... But I cant just seem to enjoy anything ryt now.. I am over-concerned about my health... especially about what ever happened to me that day when I thought I ws loosing control. I dont know how to not think about that :( I know my head is ok and am ok. but I still feel something strange is happening...or will happen.. :(

Other than that I am alot better now with the help of certain vitamin and minerals intake.

03-22-2014, 08:30 AM
Thankyou so much for ur kind words and reply dear... But I cant just seem to enjoy anything ryt now.. I am over-concerned about my health... especially about what ever happened to me that day when I thought I ws loosing control. I dont know how to not think about that :( I know my head is ok and am ok. but I still feel something strange is happening...or will happen.. :( Other than that I am alot better now with the help of certain vitamin and minerals intake.
It is definitely normal what you are feeling and I've been going through the same thing. I've tried so much in the past to just "stop thinking" about my fears, but of course that's sort of impossible, especially when you are in that state of fear. But what has helped me is to not let those thoughts build up more and more causing a panic attack. When you start to have those thoughts, try to take a step back and focus on that first thought rather than letting your mind wander to others. Focus on the thought and tell yourself that it is not true, and realize that all of the symptoms you are feeling and those thoughts are coming from anxiety. Don't try to run from those feelings and thoughts, but just sit through that moment and know that it will pass. It will take several times and a lot of patience, but little by little you will be able to face the bully that anxiety is and not have a panic attack every time. I hope this makes sense. Try to catch yourself in your thought process of worry that builds up more and more and creates a panic attack. Focus on what you. Know is true, even if it's hard to believe it in the moment. And try not to isolate yourself. It helps to talk to someone who can help you see the fears from an outside perspective. Sometimes distraction helps to get you out of the state of panic. It will get better, I promise! I hope this helps :)

03-23-2014, 03:16 AM
Thankyou so much for your answers and suggestions.. I'll try to work on what you both have told. I just hope n wish that I get rid of these thoughts and fear soon. Is there any logical link between strange head sensations and anxiety..? It keeps me worried ...

Thanks again

03-23-2014, 07:22 AM
Thankyou so much for your answers and suggestions.. I'll try to work on what you both have told. I just hope n wish that I get rid of these thoughts and fear soon. Is there any logical link between strange head sensations and anxiety..? It keeps me worried ...

Thanks again

I too have that strange head sensations,dizzy and foggy right? Almost like I am on a boat motion sick. My eye even twitches at times. Its very unsettling. I recently found out that I have a sinus infection and was given antibiotics. Hopefully that will help. Do you have sinus issues/allergies?