View Full Version : Medical Questionnaire

03-22-2014, 04:03 AM
Good Morning.

This year so far, I have been signed off 2 months in total with anxiety and stress from my job. I would get panic attacks that would stop me from going into work. I made 3 attempts to get into work, each I ended up getting panic attacks before going in that morning. These were all work related. Work got really busy and I failed to ask for help because I wanted to prove I could do it. I failed, missed some important items I needed to purchase (I do procurement). Since then I felt I failed my job and wasn't good enough. My manager didn't tell me off, he was ok and understood. Even though he was ok, I still felt like I failed. Whilst I was off, I went for an interview because I thought a change of scenery would help. Both interviews went well and I got the job. I now have a medical questionnaire I need to fill and it asks about any time I've had off work due to illness. Is it ok to just put that I had panic attacks but not state it was work related? I start this Monday and need to bring it along. The job is sales and I love doing sales (at my previous employer, I worked in sales first. It was busy but I loved the role. Someone went on maternity and I was asked if I wanted to cover. This role was the same amount of stress but I didn't enjoy it). Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks

03-22-2014, 04:39 AM
Good Morning. This year so far, I have been signed off 2 months in total with anxiety and stress from my job. I would get panic attacks that would stop me from going into work. I made 3 attempts to get into work, each I ended up getting panic attacks before going in that morning. These were all work related. Work got really busy and I failed to ask for help because I wanted to prove I could do it. I failed, missed some important items I needed to purchase (I do procurement). Since then I felt I failed my job and wasn't good enough. My manager didn't tell me off, he was ok and understood. Even though he was ok, I still felt like I failed. Whilst I was off, I went for an interview because I thought a change of scenery would help. Both interviews went well and I got the job. I now have a medical questionnaire I need to fill and it asks about any time I've had off work due to illness. Is it ok to just put that I had panic attacks but not state it was work related? I start this Monday and need to bring it along. The job is sales and I love doing sales (at my previous employer, I worked in sales first. It was busy but I loved the role. Someone went on maternity and I was asked if I wanted to cover. This role was the same amount of stress but I didn't enjoy it). Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks

Hi Stickny,

I don't see any reason for you to elaborate further than writing "panic attacks" it is no ones business than your own as to what triggered the attacks!

If they require any further information then they can follow up with you.

Congratulations on getting the new job!

I am curious however , where are you? Here in Canada we have very strict privacy laws and employers are not allowed to ask those questions!

Another thought, after thinking about it for the moment, why don't you just put "none" as am answer. If as you say your attacks were directly related to your old job, you have no reason to believe that they will interfere with this new job.

Just a thought!

Hope your day goes well!