View Full Version : Question re Anxiety

04-19-2008, 12:31 AM
I have some questions and would appreciate the communities' input. (I know it's long, but I could use your time)

I am 21 years old, 5'11, 155 lbs, historically an active/athletic person who has became someone who has trouble even doing simple chores around the house. I'll describe my habits and provide health related information in order to better assist folks who have knowledge/experience on the subject.

More Physically


I used to be a heavy drinker, heavy as in, get blackout drunk for weeks on end, did a stint in a rehabilitation center once, whatever. This occurred for two-three years previous to nine months ago. Nine months ago, I cut back on the drinking to only drinking (yes only) 6-8 drinks per night, to eventually only drinking (fairly heavily) on the weekends, to only drinking lightly on the weekends, to now not drinking at all. I smoke a pack of cigarettes per day and have for the past 4-5 years. Recently, I have cut back on the smoking and am trying to quit.

I rarely exercise.


I try to eat healthy, I drink lots of fluids (gatorade, water, orange juice/lemonade/cranberry juice) trying to avoid soda's/energy drinks, things of that nature.

I no longer drink.

I have the will to get better.

I am providing this information because for the last couple of years I have struggled to breathe. For no reason at all, sometimes during the entirety of the day, I feel as if I cannot breathe. It is triggered by various things, but they are normal, necessary functions that cannot be avoided such as eating, getting in arguments, or simply waking up with the problem and being screwed for the whole day.

I have never had a "panic attack," in the sense that I ever feel constrained or in fear of anything. My mother had severe panic attacks for years, so my doctors just tell me that is what I am undergoing.

I simply can't breathe, all day. Regardless of how many doctors (non-specialist, non-psychiatric) I go to with my problem, they all tell me that my health is fine, my lung function/oxygen saturation is 100%, and that I need to see a psychiatrist. This doesn't make sense to me, as the attacks are triggered by what seems pure physiology. As said before, I never feel scared or trapped or fearful.

However, I do chew on my fingernails pretty severely, I pace constantly (on the phone, when working on something, or really just period), I have trouble sitting still, etc.

I tried Paxil once, because some random doctor decided to prescribe me for it. All it did was give me more side effects (insomnia, labido failure).

I consider myself intelligent and am afraid of brain altering substances (ironic, I know, because of the alcohol and cigarettes) such as the medications that might randomly be prescribed to me.

I've read countless articles on how to deal with anxiety - eat healthy, exercise, blah blah. None of which seem to do anything for me (even when I do choose to exercise).

Sometimes I will go days without having the breathing issue, but those are very rare.

Lately, I've felt physically ill and thus visited the doctor. Regardless of how tired and sick I feel, I've been told that nothing is wrong with me even though I can't seem to do anything but sleep, vomit, etc. All during some of the worst breathing episodes I've had, lasting over 24 hours.

I've been given hydroxyzine (sp?) and it seems to help a little bit, but I know this mild tranquilizer isn't a long term fix. I hate this illness and it is ruining my life, it is exceptionally depressing and prevents me from working/studying/really doing anything at all, and when I force myself to do said things during an episode, it just gets worse and I have to lay down.

Basically, I am just asking if anyone on here has had similar issues and if they have been able to overcome the problem, or if someone is knowledgeable on the subject and can point me in the right direction other than "find the right doctor," as this is tiring and expensive.

If I sound rude I don't mean to be, I'm just irritated.

Thank you all in advance.