View Full Version : Anybody experienced the same things?

03-21-2014, 05:21 PM
Hi guys! I stopped citalopram gradually as per my doctor's instruction, I completely stopped taking it for 2 weeks now. I am having dizziness every now and then somewhat blurry vision..I thought we only get these withdrawal symptoms if we didn't stop the medicine gradually..it's so frustrating really bec these symptoms freak me out..any of u here experienced the same?

03-21-2014, 05:55 PM
Some Gravol will help the dizziness. I got that frequently for about 6 months when I came off Effexor. Not unusual, as Forwells said, your brain is just adjusting.

Hang in there.

03-21-2014, 07:00 PM
Thank you guys for your replies, you made me feel okey..I hope and pray all of us will get healed completely..

03-25-2014, 02:23 PM
Hi guys!

In addition to the dizziness I Also feel so sleepy and yawning a lot. I feel pressure in my eyes like I want to close them and rub them. I don't feel any pain, just dizzy, vision blurry and sleepy.. These symptoms come and go every day, it's been 3 weeks since I completely stopped citalopram and I'm not taking any prescription drugs right now..do you guys think these are all just withdrawal symptoms?

03-25-2014, 02:40 PM
Hi forwells,

What do you mean by waves? About at john, u mean you stopped taking it 3 weeks now and u still have symptoms?

03-25-2014, 03:02 PM
Yes! Waves.. That's what I meant when I said it comes and goes..right now I can't say the waves are getting further apart.. I will have to take notes so I will know the progress..i can't believe what this medicine can bring, I will be hesitant to take this again.. Thanks Forwells! I hope and pray we get better soon!!

03-25-2014, 03:21 PM
Hi forwells! It's such a relief talking to you right now.. I just got a call from my doctor, I told her about the symptoms..she said that it could be my anxiety since I stopped the citalopram and want me to have an appointment with them so we can discuss about it..
At this point I don't think my doctor understands about anxiety..I told them about what you said if it could be my brain going back to normal that is why I am having these symptoms..but they didn't confirm it and told me maybe the symptoms is bec of my anxiety.. I not even anxious and afraid anymore, I just want to understand why I am feeling these stuffs..I will read the one you just referred to me, thanks for being there