View Full Version : Need help!!

03-21-2014, 05:17 PM
Since january I've been having a tight throat! Went to my primary twice and he said it might be globus historicus but wants me to see an ENT just to rule some other things out....I was in the hospital had a really bad anxiety attack, had a chest X-ray, blood work everything was normal. I'm scared something serious is going on with me.....the tight throat does not happen often but when I think about it, it comes back! I can really use any advice from anyone on what I should do! If anyone has had this symptom and how they learned to cop with it! I'm desperate!

03-21-2014, 05:22 PM
hi tasia723, i get the same, like as if when am tryin to swallow my throat is closing up, i also went to hopistal with a baf anxiety attack and they done blood work and said it was anxiety. its nothing to worry about, try and take your mind of it and you will realise your throat is fine :)

03-21-2014, 05:29 PM
A lot of people have told me to drink tea to relax the muscles...I constantly suck on halls it makes me feel like I can breathe.....it's not constant I have no pain and it's not a "lump" feeling....I have to take a deep breath all the time.....it feels as tho someone has their hands around my neck constantly......

03-21-2014, 05:32 PM
thats like me, i dont feel a lump just like pressure around my throat. i drink water and it helps, i get it most days when im bored or not doin anything and think about my body too much then me heart pounds and i get chests pains

03-21-2014, 05:37 PM
Guys that's what this forum is all about .....I just had an exploratory op on my throat due to the lump feeling, lost 3 stone where I could not eat....and guess what ...a big classic sign of you know what...believe me it's the worst feeling in the world have had it for years off and on.
Hope this calms you guys done but it's anxiety ...

03-21-2014, 05:57 PM
Yes I am relieved to know that this is all a part of anxiety......and not some terminal illness....but my mind is telling me there is something seriously wrong with me....and I think about my throat all day long....I know it's there and I know at anytime it could become a pain in my ass.....excuse my language! But at this point I am beside myself....I don't have a coping skill to use to ease it.....the only thing I do is pray and hope it stops.....it's becoming worse, when it does come on I feel as tho I can't catch my breathe......I don't know what to do anymore......I'm depressed....

03-21-2014, 06:08 PM
As I said hun it's terrible, I am getting over it now, I could not eat bread or rice, most foods would get stuck in my throat or upper chest, swallowing water hurt the lump.....the more you forget about it the quicker it will go.. You know after the throat it will be something else....it will go trust me

03-21-2014, 06:09 PM
well ive had it for a really long time now its nothing to worry about just another joy of havin anxiety i suppose :/ it makes me feel like i need to yawn all the time to catch my breathe or drink water to keep it open even tho its not closin

03-21-2014, 06:13 PM
Hh, classic I either sigh a lot or yawn when it was bad, the consultant straight away in the hospital, said anxiety

03-21-2014, 06:20 PM
What makes it even worse is I work in the ER, and I am constantly getting reassurance from the nurses, it's a constant battle with myself.....I feel as tho everyday is gonna be my last day.....and I'm never gonna be okay! It's an overwhelming feeling and I appreciate everyone who has commented it makes me feel that I am not alone....and even tho i have heard a million times that I am gonna be okay.....I still seek reassurance to make sure I'm not the only one going through this!

Thanks guys! :)

03-21-2014, 06:26 PM
yeah same as me ive had blood work done and ecg and everything came back fine however i still think everyday that im goin to die its horrible :/ hope u get better soon

03-21-2014, 06:35 PM
Does your jaw start to hurt like you were eating a tough piece of meat for a long time? Cuz you're stressed over your throat?