View Full Version : Forgetting words

03-21-2014, 01:30 PM
Hey guys, I hope you are all doing ok today :). Recently I have been having a hard time remembering words or how to say something. I sometimes also have a hard time making coherent sentences; sometimes they don't make sense like the word order or choice of words or I simply forget words. For example, the other day I said: something to help remember you.. When I meant to say something to remind you. It wouldn't phase me if it was just a simple occurrence that happens to all of us every now and then, but it's been happening very much a lot. Mostly it's when I speak, not so much when I write because I can take my time and think it through when I write.
But anyways, I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?

03-21-2014, 02:06 PM
Very much so , I am having a hard time with it now typing and have to recheck things again and again . Are you on meds ? it can cause it . Anxiety itself can also cause it because the brain is busy doing something else all the time .
I'm not actually on any meds, I just take a multivitamin and vitamin D3. It's crazy huh? It really makes school a lot harder, especially when I have to give presentations or write a paper. Well, hopefully it will get better!

03-21-2014, 02:10 PM
This was one symptom I could never really believe was anxiety.

The heart stuff, the choking throat feeling, the dizziness; all of that I eventually came around to - but this one took me years to accept. It felt too neurological. It felt like a physical issue.

I couldn't complete sentences, couldn't have conversations, couldn't find the right words - I could barely speak coherently at times.

After having lots of tests done, assuming I had severe anaemia, deficiencies, brain issues, all of that stuff - I eventually realized it must have been anxiety.

This was one of the most confusing symptoms for me, as I never felt anxious much when having it. I felt pretty normal. I could do things I hadn't been doing for a while.

I just kept believing something was wrong with my body. I believed maybe the Remeron had messed up my brain chemistry, or my sugars or had caused some kind of vitamin imbalance.

It is a symptom of strong anxiety though.

03-21-2014, 02:20 PM
I definitely experience that on a regular basis. I never even thought it could be caused by anxiety, I just thought my memory was going. I used to pride myself in my vocabulary and ability to understand different ways to use words. I used to always correct my friends which I'm sure was obnoxious. But now I literally draw a blank every time I go to speak. A while ago I used the word asphyxiated when I meant fixated. Huge difference in meanings, it's embarrassing. I feel like an idiot. Why does this happen?

03-21-2014, 02:31 PM
Wow, I'm surprised a lot of you guys have experienced that too. This a weird symptom of anxiety, that's for sure. And same here Jesse, I don't necessarily forget the words when I'm particularly anxious. I've actually been feeling a little bit better, starting to really take control of my anxiety, but then this happened, it's kind of weird. Funny thing is I'm studying linguistics in college, an I've always been so good at writing essays that sounded really good and I could up with them on the spot. I kind of prided myself in that, like you Brittany. Do you think that it's something I should tell my doctor or therapist about? I hope it gets better. I love learning languages and I'm good at picking them up quickly, I hope this won't hinder me. Haha another funny thing is sometimes I end up using a more prestigious (I guess you call it that? Dang it I'm forgetting again haha) word instead of a more basic word that has the same meaning because it is the only word that I can think of :P

Niicole Lynne
03-21-2014, 02:53 PM
I don't personally experience this but I'm glad u posted because wow
I would have never thought this to be an anxiety symptom
Very crazy what the mind can do

03-21-2014, 03:09 PM
TRIGGERS TRIGGERS Would you like to hear crazy . My mental health nurse told me this , he had been doing it a long time . Remember this is full on so it is a trigger . He said there was a guy he worked with Was washing up one day and his wife walked behind him to give him a cuddle . He turned around with a knife in his hand and stabbed her by mistake . She later died . He ended up in the mental hospital and they could not treat him as he was so upset with him self . In the end he literally willed the arm that did it to die which had to be removed . After it was removed he simply got up and left and moved on with his life .

So what you're implying is: We should all chop our heads off and move on with our lives?

03-21-2014, 03:20 PM
I've had this too for years way prior to being on meds. I used to convince myself I had MS.

03-21-2014, 03:22 PM
I've had this too for years way prior to being on meds. I used to convince myself I had MS.
What is MS? Did it get better?

03-21-2014, 03:23 PM
So what you're implying is: We should all chop our heads off and move on with our lives?
Hahaha :) true, what was the point of the story forwells?

03-21-2014, 03:24 PM

Would you like to hear crazy .

My mental health nurse told me this , he had been doing it a long time .

Remember this is full on so it is a trigger .

He said there was a guy he worked with

Was washing up one day and his wife walked behind him to give him a cuddle .
He turned around with a knife in his hand and stabbed her by mistake . She later died .

He ended up in the mental hospital and they could not treat him as he was so upset with him self .

In the end he literally willed the arm that did it to die which had to be removed .

After it was removed he simply got up and left and moved on with his life .

Holy shit, I just got a mini pure O spike.

That's pretty incredible. The mind is amazing and scary.

My family on my fathers side are all builders. They were working on a site one day, when one of my uncles got burned badly on the face. Years later it all healed up, and there's no sign of it, but every month in November, which was when it happened, the burn reappears on his face. Around the end of the month it goes again. It's pretty weird to see. Happened every year so far without fail.

03-21-2014, 03:26 PM
Cat, chuck me a Luvox

03-21-2014, 03:26 PM
Holy shit, I just got a mini pure O spike. That's pretty incredible. The mind is amazing and scary. My family on my fathers side are all builders. They were working on a site one day, when one of my uncles got burned badly on the face. Years later it all healed up, and there's no sign of it, but every month in November, which was when it happened, the burn reappears on his face. Around the end of the month it goes again. It's pretty weird to see. Happened every year so far without fail.

That is so creepy!!!!!! Hi Jesse!

03-21-2014, 03:27 PM
Cat, chuck me a Luvox

Dude I just picked up my refill today ... Come visit and we can have a Luvox and BBQ beans party.

03-21-2014, 03:52 PM
You know how much money brain transplants would bring? Those damned scientists need to work on that. Especially if you could have it done to a loved one without them knowing. Your wife goes in for rhinoplasty and you pull the surgeon aside, you mind replacing the right lobe while you're in there?

03-21-2014, 03:54 PM
You know how much money brain transplants would bring? Those damned scientists need to work on that. Especially if you could have it done to a loved one without them knowing. Your wife goes in for rhinoplasty and you pull the surgeon aside, you mind replacing the right lobe while you're in there?

But how would you get your wife in there to have it? Could you imagine that 'babe, how'd you fancy a nose job...?'

You'd be beaten to death, you'd need the transplant yourself ;)

03-21-2014, 03:56 PM
Yeah I guess I thought it sounded better reversed, but what I really meant was then our loved ones could do that to us. ;)

03-24-2014, 04:37 PM
I used to have very often memory blanks when talking.It is like talking with someone and forget what i was going to tell the next second.It is embarassing and crazy.I ask the other person "what i was saying?" but has only past a couple of seconds of my last words...I have seen improvement with coffee but this gives me anxiety too,so not the best solution !!!

03-24-2014, 08:33 PM
I know what you mean... I'm always needing reminding. Even just walking through the house, I go to my room then completely forget why. I also can't drink coffee or any form of caffeine really, makes me feel like I'm on crack( not that I really know what that feels like) but it causes major anxiety/panic attacks. Wish it didn't though because anxiety also exhausts me. What a catch 22.