View Full Version : chest pain again.

04-18-2008, 10:41 PM
I am 50 years old, newly divorced after many years of marriage. I went from being an agorophobic housewife with severe panic disorder to divorcing the abusive man I was married to...to a single working woman! Talk about a change! I take Xanax for my anxiety, it helps so much. I'd always been a stay at home mom so its been difficult as you can imagine. My chest pain has returned. Over the years i've been to the doc and ER on several occasions for chest pain , the last time was about 4 or 5 years ago. I had the usual tests, plus a stress test. Nothing was found to be wrong. Well the old chest pain is back. I have a difficult boss ( who doesnt...:o)...just her approaching my desk can cause my chest to begin to hurt. Sometimes it seems to be aggravated by activity, sometimes not. I have a sore spot in the middle of my back. I know that no one can say for sure. But how in the HELL can one like me know? I lost my medical insurance with the divorce so to get checked out I'd run up enormous bills at a time when I am trying to repair my credit. What does one like me do? I know there are no aboslute answers, just need some input.

04-19-2008, 12:54 AM
I'm going through something similar right now. I'm a 20 year old male and have been suffering a sharp pain on the left side of my chest. It's been hurting for a week. Prior to the chest pain, I felt a sharp pain on this certain spot on my back for about a month. I went to the doctors a couple of days ago and took a x ray for my chest. Turns out nothing was wrong. However, the doctor had told me that high stress can cause chest pains. I believe this to be true because I find my chest hurting the most whenever I am stressed about a certain situation.