View Full Version : Anti Anxiety med for a fitness junkie

03-21-2014, 01:22 PM
I suffer from severe anxiety (GAD), OCD, and depression. I am an aspiring bodybuilder. I love to lift weights and eat right the whole 9 yards. However anxiety has gotten in my way and holds me back form the gym sometimes. It leaves me fatigued and have severe muscle weakness which I am almost positive its my anxiety.

I am looking to get on medication but I am worried that it will affect my energy and make me lethargic or apathetic.
I have tried Zoloft for 1 month but it made me have severe migraines and vomit everyday. also I was groggy most of the day and only had energy in the evening. I am normally a morning person however.

I am now on buspirone, have been on it for about 9 days. It is easing my anxiety but leaves me apathetic and lethargic. Will this go away with time? Buspirone is affecting my workouts

03-21-2014, 01:47 PM
Hello there :) have you tried propanol ? It's a beta blocker and is really good for the anxiety,it does not affect me when I'm doing my workouts :)

03-21-2014, 03:39 PM
Yeah this has been a problem for me for a long time. I went from working out and being active and eating well to having a traumatic event that just shocked my body apart. Ever since I feel lethargic, drowsy, fearful and just not myself. Have yet to try any medicine, and I think I probably wont for a while as doctors don't give them out easily. Again the problem with working out is that it's 50% mental and if you have anxiety its just hard to do. The only thing that helps is running but that tires you out before you even get to lifting.