View Full Version : Anxiety

03-21-2014, 12:05 PM
hi everyone, im sort of new to this just wondering if anyone feels the same as me everyday,
from the moment i wake up i think about my heartbeat then i get dizzyness most of the day,
constant thoughts of worry about my heart, and a poundin heartbeat in my throat

03-21-2014, 12:13 PM
One thing I would tell you is try not to think about it, if you have access to.a doctor..get checked out... but once they tell you you are okay. Please try to.believe them.

03-21-2014, 12:16 PM
hi ab :) yeah ive been to the docs quiet alot of times and they just keep saying there is nothing wrong with my heart, ive had blood work done and an ecg but they said everything was fine. i get alot of chest pain and worry way to much and can constantly feel my heartbeat

03-21-2014, 06:19 PM
hi ab :) yeah ive been to the docs quiet alot of times and they just keep saying there is nothing wrong with my heart, ive had blood work done and an ecg but they said everything was fine. i get alot of chest pain and worry way to much and can constantly feel my heartbeat

Classic anxiety symptoms. Not sure if you're on any meds but it's something you may consider if you can't get your mind off it.