View Full Version : Very anxious feel uneasy and on edge fear

03-21-2014, 05:35 AM
Hello im new to this forum and would like to introduce myself ,not sure where else to go.Im not sure how to start this but ,im a long term sufferer of deppresion ,had this illness for about 20 years. Have moved from house to house through,haveing bad neighbours .Not that im a problem ,or anything or intervere or noisy if anything quiet. Ive been on various antidepressants ,in past with little help now currently on 200mg of sertraline antideppressant. The thing is january i moved house i felt a heavy weight taken off my shoulders ,due to moveing house that was such a relieve for me and felt happier . However for the last week i seem to be on edge uneasy again!! i just seem to be going back like i used to be before christmas..Mainly its this house opposite me , every time i open a certain window in my house the woman across the road opens either the same window or another .This deppresion fear is getting to me has i feel,has though,i have to look for another house has i feel this woman dont like me for some reason.Am i been over paranoid or is this serious

thankyou mandy

03-21-2014, 06:59 AM
Hey summer!
Maybe its just coincidence with your neighbour. I totally understand where you're coming from. I can get really anxious and wary of other people and things. Mostly its just our minds that make us read too much into a situation. Have you spoken to your neighbour at all? Said hello or anything? Maybe try opening the window and turning around without a glance to the opposite house?
Take time to have a good look around this forum. There's so much here that will help.
Take care