View Full Version : Lost my mind

03-21-2014, 02:16 AM
I Feel like I'm going to be admitted to a crazy hospital
I hyperventilated so bad a few hrs a go an had anxiety attacks for 12 straight hours
I feel like I'm dying
I googled my symptoms and it led to
Too much hyperventilation can cause death!
Now I'm here terrified ready to have my boyfriend take me to the hospital
I'm scared because I can see myself getting there an them injecting me with medication
An I'm terrified of meds
I'm really scared an feel like my life is over
I want to be normal again
I'm too young to be going through this
I will be 26 next month an the past 2 years have been a nightmare I've been in prison it feels like!
I need a miracle! 😭

03-21-2014, 06:32 AM
I Feel like I'm going to be admitted to a crazy hospital I hyperventilated so bad a few hrs a go an had anxiety attacks for 12 straight hours I feel like I'm dying I googled my symptoms and it led to Too much hyperventilation can cause death! Now I'm here terrified ready to have my boyfriend take me to the hospital I'm scared because I can see myself getting there an them injecting me with medication An I'm terrified of meds I'm really scared an feel like my life is over I want to be normal again I'm too young to be going through this I will be 26 next month an the past 2 years have been a nightmare I've been in prison it feels like! I need a miracle! dde2d

You are scared of lots of things. That is why you feel the ways you do

I know you realize that so since you do, decide that it ends now

Instead of dwelling on how horrible you feel and how you are too young to be experience this, take ownership of it

It's your mind. Own it. Why would you let something like anxiety decide how you will act and feel?

You can't even see anxiety so how the hell can you fight something that you have no idea where it is?

You don't need a miracle. You just need to decide that you are done with this

Look forward to what your life holds, not dread it

Change your thinking, you change your destination.

I understand your fear of meds to help you but remember, all the other fears you have/had turned out to be nothing

Meds so rarely cause any major side effects. People just get anxious taking them and blame that feeling on side effects

I was reluctant too. Finally did and in 4 weeks I felt the best I had in years

You don't have to stay on them I if you don't want to but at least try them in the short term to get your focus back

The risk reward is in your favor and anything beats feeling like you do now, correct?

03-21-2014, 12:26 PM
Go to doc , take the meds and after few days on them come back to this thread and tell us how you really feel. You are panicking and not helping yourself. I believe putting all this fears in writing does not good to us. If I put my fears in writing and read it and remember it, I would end in nut hospital,( it is not like I would not belong though):))